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#656850 FC’12 England – Premier League 2021/22 [v1.5]
Zachary Ekpe
Download link's currently taking you to a Polish League kit download. Please amend when you can!
Thanks for everything you do !!
#610487 [FM 21] Vince Skin Pro + Vince Skin Pro Low Res. v.1.4 Up. 09/01/2021
Zachary Ekpe
#423452 Can anyone sort this out??
Zachary Ekpe
Thanks in advance and happy FM-ing!!
#393501 Susie On Tour - #4 Spanish Revival
Zachary Ekpe
Just completed both seasons and it wasn’t bad at all! Came 3rd behind Barca and Real both seasons. Achieved a quarterfinal finish in the Champions League during my second season - losing to who else but Real after I successfully disposed of Bayern over two legs.
Starting with 11 days to go in the transfer window was a tough ask, especially for me.. I’m a manager who loves the window and the opportunity to rebuild a squad. I was, however, quite lucky and managed to secure a number of good deals.
As you can see I sold Cancelo which a lot of you may be a bit baffed by, I just can’t handle his mentals. I like all round players so I had to cash in on him, thought I could have gotten more.. I’ve seen some people got up to £15m for him, I also shipped out Aderillan Santos and Rodrigo for £17.5m in total.
You can also see that I played a pretty risky game, whacking huge bonuses and clauses on some deals in order to push them over the line. Paredes and Pereira (signed him again on loan the next seaon and then permanently the season after) were amazing - Paredes gets very good and is maybe my best player right now. Luan is cool, annoyed me a bit as he always wanted to leave. Then when no one wanted to by him he was demanding more game time.
Here’s how the first season went.
I wasn’t able to beat Real or Barca during this season unfortunately and achieved a 3rd place finish, securing a beloved Champions League spot.
Season two started really well and transfers give you an indication as to the kind of FM I am! I re-signed Alcacer from Barca, Pedro Pereira on loan. I also signed Mbappe on loan and have been able to grab him again. Cabaye and Ziyech were signed in January!
Here are my fixtures from season two - you can see my wins against both Barca and Madrid on the lil’ side panel. You can see all the other times I didn’t in the actual list ahah. Great second season if you ask me, for some reason the signing of Cabaye for £2.5m was exactly what the team needed, he scored 5 in 11 league games.
Points Won..
La Liga
3rd = 15 points
3rd = 15 points
Copa Del Rey
5th Round = 0 points
Semi Final = 15 points
Champions League
Quarter Final = 10 points
Beat Real x1 = 5 points
Beat Barca x1 = 5 points
Points Total = 65 points
Here are some more screenshots!
This year's transfers so far..
#390885 Susie On Tour - #4 Spanish Revival
Zachary Ekpe
Currently loving life (besides the team talks haha). 8 games played, 8 games unbeaten - can this be sustained??
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