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#814169 3D Kits Liga Portugal Betclic
The download seems to be broken, the link takes me to mediafire but then does not download the file
#802268 Serie A + B real fixtures and results for FM24
Nevermind ahaha, I forgot to change the year in the fixture dates
#801967 Serie A + B real fixtures and results for FM24
Hey! I was wondering where you find the ‘league matches’ to untick? I've been trying to add the real 24-25 fixtures for Serie A to go with an updated database but haven't been able to get the game to recognize the fixtures I put in the editor, and I'm hoping this elusive ‘league matches’ box could be the fix I'm looking for.
#745420 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Couldn't find it on this thread, so here's the UEFA Europa League 22-23 ball
#743989 Original Bury Fc 3D Kits
Not sure if you're still looking for them, but you should be able to get them by using the FM19 Resource Archiver (provided you own a copy of the game on Steam). Export “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2019\data\game\graphics” to somewhere easily accessible like your Desktop. From there, you should be able to find the 3D kits in the kit textures folder (it's something like "kit_textures\3d\eng").
#677933 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
Could you make standard kits for Italian Serie C?