Leonardo82 - Comments

#812022 "Years To Gain Nationality" issue in FM24
9 years ago
2 weeks ago

I've tried to do other different modifications in the options “Years to gain nationality” and “Gain Nationality type” but whatever change I make, the same 2 things described before always happen:


1) not-UE player can gain nationality after 3650 days. 
2) UE player can gain nationality after 1460 days. 



No one has got the mentioned issue?

#810605 "Years To Gain Nationality" issue in FM24
9 years ago
2 weeks ago
By philip 06 February 2025 - 03:57 AM UTC 

After changing the data in the editors, did you start a new game or continue your save?


New game.


I always do these steps when I change something in the editor:


  1. I close FM.
  2. I open FM Editor and I do changes
  3. I open FM and start new game


#810361 "Years To Gain Nationality" issue in FM24
9 years ago
2 weeks ago


I'd like people can Gain Nationality only after X continuos Years in that Nation.


I've edited the option "Years To Gain Nationality" for Italy from 10 Years (3650 days) to 20 Years (7300 days). See image1

but then in the game:


1) not-UE player can gain nationality after 3650 days. It is like the game cannot see my modification from 3650 days to 7300 days. See image2
2) UE player can gain nationality after 1460 days. From where the game take the value 1460? See image3

So how can I force people to gain nationality after X continuos Years in that Nation?


#407709 Editing the Nation's continent record in the FM18 editor
9 years ago
2 weeks ago
here you can find the solution: https://community.sigames.com/topic/419159-new-nation/?tab=comments

Download the FM18 Resource Archiver from Steam and launch it.
Click "Extract Archive" and find the file "comp editor.fmf" in your Steam folder "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2018\data"
Select a folder to extract the files to
In the new folder, find "nation.xml" an open it.
Note that there are 2 files called "nation.xml", but only 1 has the following text:
<!-- Continent -->


<flags id="field" value="Ncti" />

<translation id="name" translation_id="229389" type="use" value="Continent" />

<flags id="type" value="database_record_unique_id" />

<flags id="database_table_type" value="continent" />

<boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" />

<boolean id="is_read_only" value="true" />

<boolean id="is_optional" value="true" />


Change row <boolean id="is_read_only" value="true" /> to <boolean id="is_read_only" value="false" />

Save the xml file

Before you go to the next step, make a backup of your "comp editor.fmf" file in case the process goes wrong for whatever reason
Go to the Resource Archiver and package the file back together: Click "Create Archive" and save the archive file in the "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2018\data" folder.
Only overwrite the existing file there if you had made a backup of it.
Launch the Editor and it should work.