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#708047 Kallithea
This has been changed recently (summer 2022) i'm trying to upload the new one but i can't figure out how.
If someone knows how google “Athens Kallithea FC Logo” and you will find the new one ( gold with blue backround with 1966 on the side)
#457024 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Great work with those shirts
I would like to ask for shirts for Ermis Zonianon (Greek lower division team)
All shirts from Nike
Home: like the old shirt they had http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tMAacgxWJmc/TJjYfkX0_AI/AAAAAAAAAxU/4l-aeoBaTmQ/s1600/sirinakis+team.jpg
Away: the same but instead of white make it black and instead of green this green #48ff00
Third: like this https://www.sportarena.gr/Uploads/Product-Images/28742/28742_b1.jpg but with ermi's logo in the bottom right corner
Sponsor: well this http://www.sirina.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/sir_tv_logo-263x74.png ... it's a porn studio company but the team actually had them as sponsor so...
Hellenic Football Federation badge: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-i7L_IwL0W2rarbCNLdoSrv7y2KazUBh-80wZu1Z8qC-4TStA but with a star on top as shown in this https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9LthGZGX7jr3qx0LGPpLZu5RcGdqTUAIkCH_d1Ks4TDLJGizI
The HFF badge should go in all shirts between Nike logo and the team' s badge
Team's Badge: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/el/thumb/8/88/Ermis_Zonianon_logo_neo.jpg/140px-Ermis_Zonianon_logo_neo.jpg if you think the badge is too small try this http://pamebala.gr/media/k2/items/cache/62cb5553c26ee2b2834e74cb3f79f319_XL.jpg it's bigger but the bottom part is cut
Thank you in advance
P.S. Is there a possibility for 3D shirts also?