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#562645 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
SI are scared, it's quite clear. If the file does nothing why close threads, delete comments, laugh it off as if it's pointless? If the file does nothing why does it exist in the first place? Someone originally created those values and was happy with what they displayed in game. All we are doing is changing the values further, optimizing if you will, to display the type of football we want to see. I realize there are obvious limitations just trying to use this file alone, but clearly SI are threatened that the community can come up with something better (we just need better tools to do so). Think of what we could do if we had ability to look and alter the scripts that run the AI logic!!!
I think this whole thing has been quite revealing about the type of business they run and the people they employ. The official forums are straight up a dictatorship, good luck trying to criticize the game in any way there. Everyone should be excited that we can have a better game, but no.