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#546615 Need graphics help - adding background removes faces
I am wondering if anyone can point out where I'm going wrong or maybe have a look at this to see if I'm doing something wrong in the config file.
I have created a face pack for a women's database I've created and it works great but I have just started adding some background images specific to players and that's where the issues start. The backgrounds work but obviously conflict in some way with the face pack because now many faces have stopped working. I clear cache and reload skin then some faces come back but others still don't work and it seems to be a strange combination where at a club where nobody has a background added some player faces stop working but others are fine (my face pack has separate folders for each country so I assumed either they'd either all work or all stop working). When I remove the background folder and reload the faces all come back and work properly again but obviously the background images are gone.
I couldn't get the attachment to work so I've posted a mediafire link to a rar file with my face pack, background pack and a save file included just in case anyone wants to have a look.
#511272 Women's Database for FM20
The top 4 divisions in England are fully playable as well as the Frauen Bundesliga (Germany), NWSL (USA) and the top 2 divisions in Scotland (SWPL1 & SWPL2).
The file is 13.6 MB so is too big to post as an attachment on here but it can be found easily on Steam
I don't really use forums so you'll probably get a quicker response if you contact me either on a Twitter account I've set up dedicated to the project
Or on a Facebook page I have created
Please give it a try and let me know what you think.