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#796477 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Fun challenge, didn't know Ipswich had so many good players. Clark and Davis on the left side were great, as was Phillips. Brought in a few players, but Kubo ended up being a big disappointment. Managed to win the final of the FA Cup somewhat undeservedly, thanks to Muric having a phenomenal day. Salah missed a pen in extra time, Jota had a disallowed goal in 90+, as did we in 110+. In the end Van Dijk missed the 5th penalty of the shootout.
#457469 Susie On Tour 2019 - Stop 2 - Real Madrid Woes
#456840 Susie On Tour 2019 - Stop 1 - Thanksgiving
Save file: https://ufile.io/iddm2
Trophies: Eastern Conference, MLS Playoffs and Supporters Shield Winners, US Open Cup Runners up - 95p
Manager of the year: 5p
Rival wins: 2 x 5p (Chigao) 1 x 5p (LA Galaxy) 2 x 5p (DC United), so 25p .
Total points tally - 125p.
Happy to see that an edited formation of my favourite one the past FM still worked wonders, albeit i feel like the first month or two had a few results more on the luckier side. But, once team cohesion reached 'good' and the squad got used to the demands of the tactic, it all went very well. Some of the late season slip was mostly due to me holidaying some games just so i'd be able to finish the season on time.
A lot of the success should be attributed to the defense line, which simply picks itself... surprised to see New England have such a solid back four.
No player of the year unfortunately, or top scorer for that matter. Juan Agudelo would've certainly reached somewhere around 25 goals i estimate, had he not suffered an injury that spanned for over 3 months. Big props to Gnoukouri though, best signing by far, played in the DLP role mostly.
#420757 Susie On Tour 2017/18 - Stop 4 - Saving The City Of Love
These are the transfers:
In the end we finish 10th, a bit disappointing as the 3 undeserved draws against bottom of the league teams at the start of the campaign prevented us from qualifying for Europe.
As for the awards we've managed to scoop up:
And most surprisingly~
Overall that's a total of 30 points (20 for league finish, 5 for beating our rivals and 5 for having the top goal scorer)
#420664 Susie On Tour 2017/18 - Stop 4 - Saving The City Of Love