Almowars - Comments

#805363 Sas Skin 24
8 years ago
5 days ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 18 December 2024 - 02:30 AM UTC 

my young friend, if you play on a 1440p screen with game scaling at 85%, then your problem is not with your skin, but with your head.... 

I don't play with a scaling of 85% on my resolution. The 85% option is one of three given options of the pizza chart and should only show the problem i have with this specific widget. But i didn't think it was necessary to add all three given options as a screenshot. 


#805320 Sas Skin 24
8 years ago
5 days ago

Thanks for your answer. So unless I want to spend a ton of time fixing that I have to live with it being out of sync 😀 
This would be a huge upgrade to me tbh. But if you can't test it, it's totally fine if it's not implemented or able to be implemented.

#805304 Sas Skin 24
8 years ago
5 days ago

Hey, it's still the best skin for me in FM24. There is just one thing, that bothers me a bit and it's the Pizza Chart. I would love to use it more but it's a bit off in all 3 Zoom Options. I'm playing with 2560*1440p and i believe this could be the problem. Or is there any other fix for this for a 2k resolution?

The Screenshot is the 85% Zoom option.