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#431679 Standard Official Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
Closest I could get.
#431639 Standard Official Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
#430923 Standard Official Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
#430918 Standard Official Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
Im planning to work on creating kits for the spanish league.
But have you guys noted that if the second or third jersey is a different color from the 3D gameplay you'll have to create a 3D kit aswell?
#430917 Standard Official Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
#427962 Standard Template Kits FM2018 Thread
Josue Puga
Hey awesome! Hey by any chance if you have instagram message me at @josue_puga I would like to work with you to create more of this for other leagues. I just created the one for my favorite team in Mexico! Thanks!