#532974 Club Banners & Adboards for FM20
7 years ago
4 years ago
Hey AmDaddy -

Thanks for your messages and interest. Sorry for delay in responding to everyone; I've been off the board for quite some time, and am just logging on now. To tell you the truth I don't know how this got onto the FM2020 boards, I had made this years ago for FM14-15 and updated it again for FM18, but never bothered creating one for FM20. It does work with it, but I'm barely playing either FM20 or any FM anymore due to some life changes (kids, man). I didn't actually upload this here to FM2020, the mod was indeed 'created by strangerthankindness' but someone else must have placed it on this thread? I didn't even know that was possible.

Interestingly, the link it's sending people to, FM_18_2, isn't even the most updated version. I did create and share an update for FM19 on another site, which has even more teams and leagues....

I don't know if it's allowed to mention other sites, but I've put this on both SI Forums and FMSCOUT, and it has more detailed instructions than what is here, which will hopefully address some of the issues people are having. (Especially that 'starting out' glitch, it does seem like you have to shut down and restart the program to get them to appear, I think because it's during start-up that the game reads and processes the ads xmf file, and knows where to find them). Just do a search under adboards and you should find the uploads with more detailed instructions. You can also find more detailed info on how to ad your own team if it's not in there, or even more teams in the division you're playing in. Also, this mod works under the same principle and rules of rabcp's great adboard pack that can be found here; if you follow those general directions, it should be the same. (This mod pretty much ignores realistic ads in favor of club-specific imagery drawn from scarves, supporters clubs, tifos, banners, etc).

To answer some of the questions:
FM08 adboards show up when there's a home game with a team that does not have graphics in the pack, ie. your Mineros de Zacatecas and many other of the Mexican 2nd division clubs. (I tried to get most of the LIGAMX teams in there, at least). It could also happen if you're using a separate adboard pack (like the great rabcp one) and the ID's are competing.

Regarding the iTunes stuff, StuartNG, I have no idea on that one, you're making me feel old, man; I had no idea you could do something with iTunes and FM. Also, I have no idea if this works with FM Touch or on iPad, as I don't know if the files are stored in different areas? Sorry I can't help with that.

Apologies again for anyone frustrated with it, but hope that everyone who's downloaded it has gotten it to work, and is enjoying it. (It just hit 25k downloads from the sites its been shared on, which is a good milestone). I wish I could help more, but I've not touched FM2020 in about four months and my son needs to be put to bed right now.
I cant download from this link it will stop at 95%
#532971 Club Banners & Adboards for FM20
7 years ago
4 years ago
hi i have the video boards working around the pitch however the stadium adboards are defaulting to standard fm boards and not the club ones , what i am doing wrong?

See picture below
Change Graphics to graphics this issue happens for that error, even i faced the same issue
#527318 Club Banners & Adboards for FM20
7 years ago
4 years ago
Video Add Is working for me but Not Club banner , before it used to work in FM20 Not Since the Update