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#811179 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
okeyy, thanks so much <3
#811135 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
#811083 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
😀 😀
#811080 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Hello, I think there is a problem with the update released today. All transfers in the Turkish league have returned to last season's January transfers. I don't know how the situation is in other countries, but there was no such problem in the update released yesterday.
#810517 FM24 Update Turkish League Help and Testing
I will try to work on it
#810516 FM24 Update Turkish League Help and Testing
i just saw this post, sorry
#810511 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Hello, Is there any update on the problems in the Turkish league?
#807735 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Hello, is there any news about the Turkish league?
#803517 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for your efforts. <3
#803026 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
First of all, thank you for your reply. And of course I would like to test it whenever you want. I would also like to point out that the foreigner rule and the number of teams in the Turkish league is also lacking as far as I can see. There are currently 19 teams in the Turkish league and 4 teams will be relegated, next year it will return to its normal 18 teams and 3 teams will be relegated. The foreigner rule should be 12 foreigners in the first two years and 11 foreigners in the following years. Thanks again <3
#802781 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Will you make the correct version of the Turkish League's participation in the European Cups?