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#88220 What's the last thing you bought thread
You live with your parents then I take it?
(not a judgement, I'm living with my parents until September
#88219 The Night Thread Mk. IX
I am wholly sorry.
I actually lived in Oz for 4/5 years as a child, my family realised we were in the wrong and retreated. I am, again, sorry.
#88187 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Ladies and gentleman, the product of colonialism.
#87977 Old Trafford Lounge
I agree.
My only point is that the widespread use of 'spastic' is really recent and the unwitting repeating of the word and the resulting mirror behaviour in society could genuinely upset a large portion of society, a portion that really doesn't deserve to hear that word either as a direct insult (not that Ninja was doing that), but as a general part of speech. When being 'like them' is considered to be an insult, and the offence taken confirms their lower status.
Of course language moves on, terms lose their meaning, idiot is an example, and so is cretin (that I even used to describe Ninja's post, above), a hundred or so years ago these words actually meant people with mental and physical disorders, they were terms used before improvements in science and the development of a devoted language towards disabilities was started.
I'm not sure it'll ever get that way with certain racial slurs (nor perhaps, should it).
(BTW this isn't aimed at anyone's views on this thread - I'm just justifying myself)
Anyway, what about those Reds eh?
#87943 The Ashes 2013
#87935 Old Trafford Lounge
Not really a fight is it? Disagreeing with a term on the internet?
#87914 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
I don't know, there's only one Joe Kinnear!
#87913 Old Trafford Lounge
I'm sure you could, and I'll hold my hands (shamefully) up to it. But I'd like to think that I and most people have moved on from finding humour in those sorts of words and phrases.
I'll keep my hand-wringing lefty ways to myself in future
#87892 Old Trafford Lounge
Doesn't matter if you were implying they had a disability. I'm objecting to the fact that you think it's acceptable to use an insult that was created (adapted from the charity Scope's former name) to insult disabled people, and use it to refer to, presumably, people you consider stupid or idiotic.
#87856 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
What about Delia Smith?
#87841 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
#87840 Old Trafford Lounge
Despite the 140 character limit, I doubt that the official twitter would misspell the quadruple the club craves
#87839 Old Trafford Lounge
Have a word with yourself, cretin.
#87826 Scottish Football Thread
One drunk 14 year old decided to shout loudly in my face while I was walking home and then pretend to put his hands towards my throat.
The most pathetic part? When his parents started patting him on the back as he quickly scuttled away shouting "ye only came tae see the rangers."
#87698 Tour de France
He's taken the bait, but for how long!
Why do more people watch Wimbledon on TV then.....?
#87693 Tour de France
One stat not included.
The empirical fact that Tennis is ultimately better than cycling.
#87684 Scottish Football Thread
#87678 The Lower League Thread
It's because we're both sponsored by them. We will get whupped I think.
#87337 The Lower League Thread
He was absolute garbage for us. He improved under SO'D. He's played in a shite team however so he might come good in a team with more confidence. Truly earned the moniker Nyatanglefoot with us though.
He's young enough and the potential is there though, we apparently wanted to keep him.
#86811 The Lower League Thread
Really pleased, I like the way that Sean O'Driscoll and Keith Burt are going about things. Targetting good players early.
We've signed so far:
Aden Flint (CB - Swindon)
Frank Fielding (GK - Derby)
Derrick Williams (CB/LB - Aston Villa)
Jordan Wynter (DM/CM - Arsenal)
and now
Jay Emmanuel-Thomas (CM/AM/ST/Wherever - Ipswich)
Scott Wagstaff (RM)
Ricky Foster: Free to Rangers (YES!!!!)
Lewin Nyatanga: Free (YES!!!) (Yeovil a possibility)
Cole Skuse: Free to Ipswich
Tom Heaton: Free to Burnley
Jon Stead: Free to Huddersfield
Dean Gerken: Free (Ipswich a possibility)
Brian Howard: Free
Mark Wilson: Free
Matthew Bates: Free
Anderson: Ipswich P/ex.
Happy with out business so far, lots of high-earning under-performers out. Unfortunately some of the ones we'd perhaps like to shift are under contract.
#86446 2013/14 Kit Thread
1. They are completely different kits.
2. See no. 1.
#86089 Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
My favourite bit was the massive section about business cards.
#84968 The Night Thread Mk. IX
I was reading that they are a blip between your short term and long term memory.
#83770 The Lower League Thread
Will play his absolute heart out for the team. One of the few that has done for us the last few seasons. Won't score lots of goals but his work-rate is high.
He's easily championship standard, his injury was one of the reasons we capitulated so easy.
#83159 Pre-Season 2013
But we have announced a friendly at home to Glasgee Rangers on Sat, July 13.
I will have just about got back from Rome, so I'll be going. Any Weegies coming to Bristol for the game?
#82674 Capital One Cup 2013/14
It's just a trek to watch Bristol City inevitably get dumped out of a meaningless cup competition. I'll probably go to more away games than home games next season however.
#82654 This place needs more moderators
This. There was always something weird about the Babe Thread.
A bunch of lads sharing wank material.
#82651 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
Another theory is it comes from the Latin tendere - to stretch and extend.
#82627 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
I thought it was just a textile thing that entered figurative speech. What does it mean in cooking?
#82474 The Night Thread Mk. IX
That was tawdry the first time you posted it.
I don't have an amazing grasp of English, I just have a decent grasp of basic grammar.