Christopher R. Speakman - Comments

#665823 Question about editing
Christopher R. Speakman
7 years ago
2 months ago

It worked…thanks a lot!

#665822 Editor
Christopher R. Speakman
7 years ago
2 months ago

I noticed that when I add additional league levels to existing nations on the FM2022 editor, it won't allow me to use that nation in the game (says it lacks a start date).  Is there a way to fix this?

#661825 Question about editing
Christopher R. Speakman
7 years ago
2 months ago

OK, great.  I am downloading the game now and will check on the new edits.  Otherwise I will go ahead and try the solution you proposed.  Thank you very much!

#661786 Question about editing
Christopher R. Speakman
7 years ago
2 months ago

I just bought FM2022 today and am excited about setting it up.  However, I have a question.  I spent a lot of time on the Editor in FM2020 making changes, adding clubs and leagues, putting diacritical marks on Slavic players, etc.  I was wondering if there was any way to insert all those database changes into FM2022.  I'd hate to have to start all over again.  If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.  Thanks!

#578965 Question About the Editor
Christopher R. Speakman
7 years ago
2 months ago
I have been using the FM Editor (not the in-game...the other one) for years now. Last year, with FM20, I used the Editor to create a number of leagues in countries not covered by the game, added a number of lower leagues to existing countries, added in cities, and placed diacritical marks on Slavic and Baltic players, cities, and teams. I would like to transfer all of these to the FM21 version of the game without having to redo everything in the Editor. Is there a way in which it would be possible to move all the data that I saved from FM20 Editor into the new game? Thank you very much....