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#705720 3D Kits 22-23 WIP Thread
tom achi
When the 3d kits of la liga(spain) is come out for download?
#702669 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2022/23
tom achi
Ok, and apologies again
#702665 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2022/23
tom achi
I just wanted people to have this folder after I saw the creator announced that he was done making it. The creator is very talented and I thank him for doing it for all of us, I say again, I really didn't know that I needed to get permission and sorry for that
#702664 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2022/23
tom achi
Oh ok, the truth is that this is the first time I'm uploading, and I didn't know that permission was needed to upload, I really apologize to all the readers and of course to the creator himself, in any case I mentioned that it was created by a certain creator(bolid 74) And of course, if he updates that he does not approve, then I or others will of course remove it.
#651771 Spain - Primera Division La Liga 3D'2021/22 New! (01/10/21)
tom achi
Its' not working for me, I followed all the instructions ..
#649890 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
tom achi
How do I make that in Champions League the 3d kit be with a champions league patch?
My intention in this question is how do I assign the 3d kit to this league that it will know that the particular patch should work..?
#574367 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
tom achi
Can you please create the 3D kits of the season for the Israeli league?