1234azerty1234 - Comments

#477010 France - National 2 SS'2018/19 Relink! (01/06/19)
7 years ago
2 years ago
please speak english next time..

"Hi, I can not download, it is done with incompatible software (opens with a video software) and not a folder with all the photos of the jerseys ... Thank you for your answers"

you need winrar?

Yes sorry for the french.

I already have winrar, but some downloads are good for me, i can see all the shirts very good and it works, but some downloads, like this one, it opens with a video software like vlc player and it doesn’t Work. I don’t understand why it doesn’t open normally. Thanks
#476952 France - National 2 SS'2018/19 Relink! (01/06/19)
7 years ago
2 years ago
Salut, je n'arrive pas à télécharger, cela se fait avec un logiciel incompatible (s'ouvre avec un logiciel vidéo) et non un dossier avec toutes les photos des maillots... Merci de vos réponses