Martyn Daines - Comments

#611065 Priisek Dark FM21 Skin inc TOUCH Pro Versions (Updated 18.50 21.07.21)
Martyn Daines
7 years ago
10 months ago
Can someone teach me how to install? I am new to FM skin packs and would really appreciate someone's help! Thanks.

Download the skin, extract to documents-sportsinteractive-footballmanager2021-skins(create folder if there isn't one)

Then in your game, go to preferences/interface/skins and choose the name of the downloaded skin. Also, make sure 'use cache to decrease game loading times' is unticked and 'reload skin when confirming game changes' is ticked.
#610779 Priisek Dark FM21 Skin inc TOUCH Pro Versions (Updated 18.50 21.07.21)
Martyn Daines
7 years ago
10 months ago
Seem to be having an issue mainly when continuing into a new day, and sometimes when clicking on a team's hyperlink. Sometimes when clicking on something to, it freezes for up to 5 mins(see attachment)
#610473 OPZ Elite 2021 [v.21.3.5]+mini
Martyn Daines
7 years ago
10 months ago
Great work.

Is there a reason why some of my boxes are squashed? Even when I try different zoom levels.

Thank you
#609848 Priisek Dark FM21 Skin inc TOUCH Pro Versions (Updated 18.50 21.07.21)
Martyn Daines
7 years ago
10 months ago
Superb skin and brilliant work put in, however is there a way I can edit it ever so slightly? For example, on the player page I want to be able to see the picture, attributes etc but I want a bigger box for season stats so it shows all stats for all comps without me having to scroll down. Thanks.*Edit* Zooming in works slightly, however that condenses it horizontally now :/