MelonMadness Activity

7 minutes ago
I think i've managed to reproduce the issue. If you click on a player's name opening their profile, you see the shirt correctly. If however you open the panel up first (hovering mouse on icon next to name) It doesn't show the shirt correctly, and if you c...
1 hour ago
Before using this skin I used Tato, that used a similar back of kit on player profiles that never had an issue. 
1 hour ago
Thankyou for the reply. I understand about the numbers, but why doesn't it show the right kit? It shows my kit, and not the kit of the club where the player is currently at?
3 hours ago
Hello I need some help, the skin is great, however on the player pages and on the player popup panel, on most players, the kits are not showing properly. it is showing the back of my kit with no player number, instead of the player's current club kit and...