Legofingerz Activity

9 hours ago
Can anyone give me any pointers on changing the header bar (top bar) to reflect the primary and secondary kit/club colours? I did a search on the comments and found a guide, amended what I could find accordingly but didn't see any changes. Im probabl...
2 weeks ago
What for? stuff to do with kids no doubt. Do you know what “pinned” means? Honestly buddy, I hope that anger issue leads to something.
2 weeks ago
You've been on here 11 years? That would likely mean you're not a child.  Sorry mate, really. I guess it must be tough not having any friends and being socially maladaptive.
2 weeks ago
Some of the .xmls's it states to change arent present in the skin im using. I changed the few that were as per the instructions, but nothing changed when I refreshed.
2 weeks ago
Hi all, I have a favourite skin and the only thing that would make it perfect for me is to return the colours of the clubs to the title bar / header. I have seen this guide:  [FM21][MOD] Header Colours - Skinning Hideout - Sports Inter...
2 weeks ago
Hi, Anyone else having issues with SI licensed kits seemingly overriding downloaded custom ones? Just FYI, I've done the basics, checked the config, club ID, name etc all matches up,, reloaded skin and disabled cache etc. I came across this...
3 years ago
Hi KojuroPP, if you have a moment I would love to know what part of your skin files I need to edit to remove the staff pics entirely. I used the resource archiver to remove all the player and non player pics as well as the defaults, but when using yo...
3 years ago
Fantastic skin, looks super clean, well done. I don't suppose you could advise me on how I could go about removing the player profile pics? I would much prefer just the back of the shirt and no face if possible. Thanks
5 years ago
Hello, sorry if this isnt the correct place to post this. I am looking for help in transforming the 2nd teams or B teams e.g. "AS Monaco 2" or "FC Bayern II" to either reserve teams or U23's similar to that of the UK or Italy. I...
5 years ago
Haha yeah a little OCD I know but im funny with stuff like that, I stopped playing one years (1999 I think) because all the subbed appearances where shown in brackets on the player histories and this didn't match up with the previous years before t...
5 years ago
Hi, absolutely nothing at all. Just no profile pics whatsoever. I really find the blacked out silhouettes, the real player photos and the generated faces jarring in their differences from each other. If no one has a face then it wont bother me any more...
5 years ago
Hey all, As per the title, I was hoping to get a few pointers on how I would go about removing the profile pic from all player and non-player staff fro the game. This would include everyone currently in the database and everyone generated whilst playing...