Women's football is coming to FM25. Start discovering the best players by playing in our WSL Fantasy League (code fyBsyUaS) and WSL Prediction League and you could Win a copy of FM25.
bowersd376 Activity
Any chance of this going onto FM 24? (really good update by the way)
Hi Despite using the new link I'm still having issues with the new data update. Any idea's...
By kingrobbo On 24 November 2020 - 19:10 PM UTCThe live update is for FM 20 only
there isnt one fo...
By kingrobbo On 24 November 2020 - 19:06 PM UTCthats about the long and short of it
Ok thanks both...
Can anyone help me with the attached
It says to confirm on the editor but I cannot see how to do it...
Quick Question, Just downloaded the file and it appears like this.
I'm assuming it should be a folder and not a one off file?