JBDee1690 Activity
By mons On 02 December 2020 - 12:52 PM UTCThere's no need to complicate matters 🙂
When you ins...
[quote name='mons' user_id='3076' id='578724' timestamp='16069064...
I downloaded this morning still have Zebre but if I download again and re install will I have to cle...
OK no probs thanks anyway I'm just going to do it see if it works no harm trying lol
Hi again I have now discovered that the reason I can't get it to work on my device is because I have only have 26g memory of which I have 18 left as this is for touch on amdroid so therefor downloading the pack is fine but then extracting it duplic...
Thanks mate appreciate it
So is 12.12 the full 15g mega pack then??
Right I am going to start this facepack downloading again tonight as soon as the missus and baby are in bed! Can someone tell me if I should only be downloading the mega pack or do I need to download the megapack or do I need that and all updates and if s...
Thanks for the reply mate. Yeah I've seen the post on steam community followed instruction on there but no joy will try the instructions from reddit post see how that goes if not will just put it down to my device
I also force stopped the app and restarted device for anyone searching for same answers
Thanks murrayg I managed to figure it out, all one has to do is download the files for fmmobile and just like fmmobile create a graphics folder and inside them create logos faces and kits folders and place downloads in corresponding folder, clear cache an...
Hi can I use this on fm touch for android? If not is there anything on sortitoutsi that will work with touch android?