Side Splitting Pass Activity
Rejected cut-outs are of the wrong person (that's his brother Mario Stroeykens).
Here's last seasons pic of him from the same team website (no idea why their pics are much smaller t...
Bigger untagged version. If anyone has a linkedin account a bigger version of his linkedi...
Duplicate requests rejected.
Request rejectd as pic is too small to make a cut-out as good as the current one.
By Chayanboy01 15 May 2021 - 10:43 AM UTC I used chrome this time, but im not abel to resume th...
Rejected as pic is blurry and will not produce as good a cut-out as the current one.
By Taylan#2963 16 May 2021 - 07:14 AM UTC I am using the DF11 facepack right now.If I add this...
Rejected as pic will not make as good a cut-out as the existing one.
Rejected as pic is from 2014. I'll request a pic from 2020.
I think this pic will make a better cut-out.
Rejected as pic is too small to produce a cut-out comparable with the existing one.
Slightly better quality version of his current season pic.
By 77david54 11 May 2021 - 00:05 AM UTC How did you do it , please ? Get the image URL of...
By 77david54 10 May 2021 - 22:25 PM UTC @weeniehutjr , please , can you get a bigger size...
@mons @dazzybeat I've attached the original uncropped & unresized version of t...
@mons the current megapack cut-out is of the wrong person (I don't know who it is).
Request rejected as pic will not make as good a cut-out as the one in the megapack.
@mons the current cut-out for this player seems to be of the wrong person (I don't know who it...
By JoeMoon1506 26 April 2021 - 10:20 AM UTC Would anyone be able to help me out with a better s...
Unlike the version of the source pic that was used for the above cut-out this one has his face in th...
@mons the current cut-out is of the wrong person (I don't know who it is).
By Cizzu 25 April 2021 - 07:19 AM UTC remove the watermark..
@krissmed here's a bigger version of that pic.
@mons the pic that has just been cut is from 2009.
Here's a slightly more recent pic of the player.
Caleb Wales is on the right.
Request rejected as pic is too small to be worth cutting.
Duplicate request rejected.
Duplicate reuest rejected.
Duplicate request rejected.
Duplicate requests rejected.
Request rejected as that is the wrong person.
Request rejected as the other request pic for this player will produce a better cut-out.
By Cizzu 20 April 2021 - 14:00 PM UTC Thanks. How did you do? It just needed the imag...
By Cizzu 20 April 2021 - 06:40 AM UTC
Cut-out rejected as requested pic is easily big enough for a 250x250 cut-out.
@mons the current megapack cut-out for this image number is of a person with the same name who has n...
Rejected as pic is too small & too poor quality to produce a worthwhile cut-out.
Rejected as requested pic is very blurry and will not produce as good a cut-out as the existing one.
By DDDNikolaj 15 April 2021 - 18:18 PM UTC Thanks @Side Splitting Pass . Certainly much better...
Rejected as requested pic is too small to make a cut-out comparable with the existing one.
Requested pic rejected as it is poor quality (resized from a much smaller photo?) & will not pro...
This one will probably make a better cut-out. (There are a lot of pics of this guy so there may be a...
Request rejected as source pic is older than the pic used for the current cut-out. I'll request a mo...
Rejected as requested pic will not produce an improvement on the current cut-out.
@mons the current cut-out for this player is actually 2000032016 Mamadou Sylla
Requested pic rejected as it will not produce as good a cut-out as the current cut-out.
Requested pic rejected as it's pre-cut & won't produce as good a cut-out as the current very goo...