Nobelix78 Activity
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You have an old photo of the player, on the one that I offered you a new one. Why reject what is relevant now, and not yesterday?
An alternative version of the logo of the Russian Football Union :RFU180 x 18050 x 3625 x 18
American EaglesCentral Connecticut Blue DevilsEastern Washington EaglesFlorida A&M RattlersJackson State TigersNorthwestern State DemonsOakland Golden GrizzliesRadford HighlandersUIC Flames
Eastern Illinois PanthersHoward BisonLoyola GreyhoundsMarist Red FoxesMcNeese State CowboysNicholls ColonelsNorthern Arizona LumberjacksTennessee State TigersTexas State BobcatsTowson Tigers
Abilene Christian WildcatsCalifornia-Irvine AnteatersJacksonville State GamecocksMorgan State BearsNorthern Kentucky NorsePortland State VikingsStephen F. Austin LumberjacksTrinity TigersUMBC RetrieversWest Texas A&M BuffaloesWilliams Ephs
Arkansas State Red WolvesCharleston Southern BuccaneersDelaware State HornetsFlorida Atlantic OwlsIUPUI JaguarsSoutheast Missouri State RedhawksSoutheastern Louisiana LionsSouthern Utah ThunderbirdsWagner SeahawksWestern Carolina Catamounts
Alabama A&M BulldogsArkansas–Pine Bluff Golden LionsBinghamton BearcatsBryant BulldogsCal Poly MustangsCal State Bakersfield RoadrunnersCalifornia Davis AggiesGardner-Webb BulldogsGrand Canyon AntelopesHartford HawksLipscomb BisonsLongwood LancersNort...
New logo Argentina
I'm finishing a series of hockey logos for the NHL. A total of 32 logos turned out. Next, I will make only football logos as far as possible and time. For other sports... contact the personal account.
A little more hockey logos from the NHL:I apologize right away that it's not about football, if you don't need such logos, then I'll just leave them here. Maybe someone will come in handy. For me, this is a hobby, I haven't touched Photoshop for a very lo...
Hi, there are a lot of logos made in this style for football clubs, and for example for hockey (NHL) and other sports I almost didn't see, I tried to fix ... as an option:
New - Jeans Style Faces???Hello everyone, I haven’t practiced different for a very long time, ten years ago I took up the case for the last time, don’t judge strictly, I just tried it, if you like it, you can continue… this is a pen test.