marcelkeuh Activity
Hoooooly, those are great! Thank you very, very much!
My bad! I switched to the right thread..
I was in the wrong section for my request, so people can see this question before...
Hello there!
I have a kit request and I hope I'm in the right place here... ;-)
Team: AC Capra (fantasy team)
Kit Manufacturer: Old school Adidas
Sponsor: Puglia (...
No.. I said at this moment I only have the standard kits, the ingame kits you know. Those without logo of sponsors etc. Just the kits where you start with as you installed the game. I requested Adidas Original kits in the post where you replied on.
So you can make the shirts? That would be great!
Yes, I have my logo from that thread. The config file can be set like this:
<record from="ACcapra_1" to="graphics/pictures/team/1141/kits/home"/>
<record from="ACcapra_2" to="graphics/pictures/team/1141/kits/...
This is the small one! My kits are working fine, but I just haven't a Capra kit yet. Only the standard fm kits which are already ingame.
My kits are currently the standard fm kits. ID number is 1141 (former Lecce).
The logo:
Hello there!
I have a kit request and I hope I'm in the right place here... ;-)
Team: AC Capra (fantasy team)
Kit Manufacturer: Old school Adidas
Sponsor: Puglia (
Colours: I would like to have the shirts like the exampl...
Damn, this is brilliant! Thank you very much!
Hello there,
I'm wondering if you would make a logo for me.
I already made one myself, but I've made it with paint and.. well, it doesn't have the X-factor ;-)
Can you give it a try?
You can 'copy' my crappy logo or be (very) cr...