Sad0wl Activity
HelloWould be grateful if some one can do logo of this club
Hello.Can someone make logos for teams in attachment?And if its possible in file 2000315884 change “ladies” to "stars".
Thank you very much.I use English DB up to lvl12 from this site, in attachment changed names as ID's for this teams in this DB pus changed xml file with this teams if you want you can add it to metalic logo pack, and if people use same DB they wo...
Hello.Can someone make logos for teams in attachment?Its a big and ambitious plan for FM24, to play for all this teams and get them as far as i can. unfortunately i dont have photoshop and cant do it myself.
Sorry forget to mention it, i use English LV12 DB.But im 100% sure Logo for team(8325170) need to be diferent, as this team is Holt United FC(HUFC) from Dorset and currently they have logo of Holt Utd. from Norfolk.i know all this only because Holt...
Hello.One question, are the any plans for lvl 13, as team i like to play for, present in DB but not playable.IRL they was second at season 22/23, but somehow now they play in league below.
Helloi find is error in pack, there is 2 teams with name Holt UTD. in different leagues.first team(8325170) has logo that should be logo of second(2000315668) team