GodsentHose Activity
I will let you know shortly let me start the game.
I would be glad if it could be tested, because imo this real names fix is the best there is overall (even our german real names fix isn't as detailed as yours).
I mean, you guys could do it for FM 22. But I can understand if you cannot do it this year
Will there be a compability with other languages e.g. german?
this isn't future ones, this are the ones you guys missed.
More proof: https://www.fupa.net/news/vfr-garching-yazid-tambo-erlebt-fussballmaerchen-doppelpack-trotz-zusammengeklebter-schuhe-2893961
More proof: https://www.ssv-jahn.de/aktuelles/detail/jahnschmiede-spieler-nominiert
More proof: https://www.glubbwiki.de/index.php?title=Benedikt_Willert#:~:text=Benedikt%20Willert%20(*%202.,er%20in%20der%20zweiten%20Mannschaft.
More proof: https://www.fcn.de/news/artikel/neues-aus-dem-nlz-u23-schwitzt-in-der-pfalz/
Here more proof: https://www.fc08homburg.de/tim-steinmetz-wechselt-im-sommer-zum-fch/
no only me he has a germand name fix
I have the problem that when I start a multiplayer save with this name fix that my friend can't go and do his tactics or anything else.