OBSCENE Activity
Winrar did it for me. And then extracting and pasting in chronological order. Thanks a lot buddy! I shall no longer disturb this thread.
Well, I just deleted them to do over with 7zip. Will consider Winrar if 7Zip doesn't do it for me.
But do I have to extract all four update packs or just the last one?
I tried using WinZip but I had a feeling the torrent file wasn't extracting correctly. Like it just kinda stopped extracting towards the last bit. Last 10-20% ish. It was stuck on the same bar progress for 30 mins or so. Gonna try and do it over with 7zip...
I do have them all in one folder. I have the “faces” and “ironfaces” folder. I pasted the update pack 4 into the two folders.
I think I've made it somehow work ish. Issues with update pack (Pack 4, do I have to download all 4?) however. I downloaded it, pasted it to the folders and now some players don't have a picture at all. Not even the silhouette. What did I do wrong?
Ok, I've downloaded WinZip and it seems to be working better now. The last 10% or so seems to be going in a loop? Could be me seeing it wrong and the final bits just taking forever?
It appears when the extracting seems done, at the very end of it. It does extract some as said. I'm using the default Windows extracter. (I think).
I am getting an error. Error 0x8096002A. No error description. It does extract some of the player pictures but hardly even half of them. I've tried downloading the smaller packages (1 to 13 + updates), and the torrent file. Some of the smaller packages co...