SD1988 Activity

6 months ago
This simply does not work. What am I doing wrong?Downloaded Newgan facepackDownloaded NewGan Managercopied over views/filtersCaptured all newgans on RTFSuccessfully created config file in Newgan faces folder via the NewGan Manager and RTF File Howeve...
1 year ago
I'm having same issue! Was working fine, then suddenly it doesn't work! Once you get NewGan Faces you can't go back to Shrek Faces, I want to bin the game now. Awful. If you find out how to fix please let me know.
1 year ago
For some reason this stopped working, I've repeated the process of NeGan Manager and reloading the skin again and again - but the Shrek faces have returned. What is that about? I've even tried re-installing NewGan Manager and starting the entire process f...