Lukas Roman Activity
Wow! These are awesome thanks so much!
Requesting you creative individuals to make kits for Cape Town Spurs FC.Attached is a picture of IRL kits, not a big fan of them, the only things I want to keep are the colors: Home kits red, away kits white, and I kinda like the unintentional purple happ...
I know there's a solid Russia database out there… Here it is, I have yet to try it but it looks promising and adds 3rd 4th and 5th tiers.
Similar to this, the badges/flags at the top here get somewhat cut off, but only when I am in Club Info→General. Purely cosmetic, they still work as buttons it's not really of any concern I just figured I'd point it out.
Any shot somebody has or can make updated CT Spurs kits? All of the old ones still have the Ajax crest I couldn't even try to ignore it.
I would do unspeakable things if someone made kits for the South African National First Division, the most recent update is from like ‘17-’18. I tried my hand at making my own but they ended up very poorly so here I am.
Big fan of both skins, but this Ligue 1 skin is far and away the best out there right now. Awesome work
I am new to the FM games as of yesterday so I don't know what the timeline has been in the past for getting issues like this fixed. Does the game move out of the beta relatively quickly or should I expect to wait some time for the editor to be fixed?