NakaShun25 Activity
Masashi Owada has been transferred to Chiba. Masashi Owada now has a contract starting on 1st February 2022.
Andrew Kumagai has been transferred to Kanazawa. Andrew Kumagai now has a contract starting on 9th July 2024.
I'm sorry. I get it. I always thought that if a new image comes out for a new season, it should be new. I'll be careful from now on.
Understood.I will also upload other images.
Understood.I will upload it again later.
Thank you.
Be careful not to get a chicken neck effect.
very sorry.
It may take some time, but are you sure you want to recreate everything and upload it again?
It's a great Cut Out pack, so I want to do as good a job as possible.
To the best of my ability...
Thank you for your tremendous support.
I'll be careful next time.
I'm planning to upload a new version created in RGB mode.
Please hold on for a while.
Thank you for your help I'm Japanese, so I use Google Translate.I'll be careful next time I upload. I was so happy that J.League was added to FM24 that I uploaded a series of cutouts that I had been making to enjoy in my own game.I'm always indebted...