ryan bith Activity

2 months ago
We take care of Toi Seng this time. Good win.Down most of the game and it took a lot of changes, a clutch pass from Lago and a great finish from Marcos but we sneak by to go to the quarterfinal against another 2nd division side of Hong LokChao Pak Kei win...
2 months ago
We take care of Toi Seng this time. Good win.Down most of the game and it took a lot of changes, a clutch pass from Lago and a great finish from Marcos but we sneak by to go to the quarterfinal against another 2nd division side of Hong LokChao Pak Kei win...
2 months ago
New Signing here, got him from Hang Saireally bad game here.New tactic we are going to try as we have a lot of new signingsTake care of business against 5th division side in the Interport cup. I should probably say that this is not a real cup, but macau h...
2 months ago
Going to force it down the right as our Right side is much stronger than the left, this may change thoughour short corner, going to crowd the boxMy First new signing, a CM from Monte Carlochanging tactic as friendly failedNew Signing at striker, changing...
2 months ago
Leading one of Macau's best clubs into Asian glory.
10 months ago
Managing Benfica de macau