Blazz Activity
Portuguese League Cup new logo:
Alverca (2391) logo is wrong.
This is the correct one:
Portuguese third level leaguel - Campeonato Nacional de Seniores
New name and logo
Campeonato de Portugal Prio
Guess who's back?
Work in progress: Competitions
Thank you so much! I will, but you'll have to wait
Note: Liga I (Romania) was updated!
Thank you for the info.
I created an 'alt' folder with the other logos, so it's ok
Pandurii - You're right, my bad;
Astra - The logo on the shirts are red/white, but I used the one in the official websit...
By tal12123 | On 18 September 2013 - 09:35 AMcan you make UEFA Competitions ?
I'm working on it, but you'll have to...
By tal12123 | On 05 September 2013 - 11:51 AMgreat work
Example #1 | Example #2 | Example #3
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