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JWD Activity
I'm not following the thread here right now. But is there a scoreboard option? e.g. the scoreboard of the Premier League or Bundesliga? I've seen some skins that have that and thought it was great. But I don't know how and whether it works with the skin.&...
Speaking of TV logos, is it possible that when you play Champions League for example "Sky" is displayed and Bundesliga e.g. DAZN or Premier League then with "Sky Premiere League"? Or is it always only one TV preset?
I like the logo pack. Is it still being updated?
Wow. Thank you flut for your Speed! 🙂
Hey,what can I do if I want to have the original scoreboard for eg Champions League?
I think I have found a mistake?!In the overview of the Bundesliga all the icons are white in the menu left.
I also have the similar one. The team kits are displayed correctly but much too big.Unfortunately I forgot how to change this.
Wow. Thank you Flut. Can I support you in any way for your grandose work? Buy coffee or a beer?
Same here. I contact Metz via FMScout
Nice to read that a new version is already being worked on. Think at release i have to donate a coffee.
Will this Pack updatet to FM23?
Will you Update this Pack? 🙂
I have no problems. I have the previous version and may start using the new one soon or in June. Maybe you should also check what other files you have activated that may have processed the same mechanisms. In any case, really good work. MEGA!
For all Mac Users: /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022 than put the Files in "editor data" @Daveincid you can out this in your first Post, when you want. 🙂
Hey. File is unknown? Did you have upload a wrong File?
Thank you MAster Flut. <3
I have found the mistake. its the name.. it must name to “press_conference_room_sponsor_boards_[al]....
The V2 Cologne version does not work for me. I always have the normal standard board. Have the corre...
any news?
That's fine with me. Thanks for your time and effort. Thought I might be able to simplify the work w...
Can someone make Cologne?
can some one help me with the kits? why i have the half logo there :(
Can I somehow change the selected jersey ingame? I always have the home jersey away but not the thir...
Okay. I got it solved. I was missing the 2D Kit Pack which was linked 🙂
Can anyone help me? I have no jersey view in the player profile. I only see jerseys in the club colo...
Thank you. That was fast. I have already corrected it for me but the kits are not loaded. All others...
I have found an error. The files or clubs that have for example "ü" in the name like...
Wow. Thank you for your anwer. I love the Style and i want try a new Style for 21. I only use before...
Will all the new Files be in an extra update? Or i must DL all Files step by step? Sorry for my bad...
I have the ame Problem. Paid with Paypal but nothing happened