Ugo Ibeabuchi Activity
Of course. I get the following… v1.3 opens just fine so not sure what the issue is. Ive tried redownloading etc
I have the tool and have the art in the specified folder. How do I actually open the tool to choose the boots?
Gotcha. I won't be doing any of that as your work is too good. Loving it and thank you!One more question though. Do the boots the players wear change every game? Certain players had a certain pair of boots on one game, and then another the next
So I've bought the boot selector and I also downloaded the bootpack. The boot selector only allows you to select 5 pairs of boots. Does the bootpack provide 15 pairs of boots? If so, are the 5 boots of the boot from the boot selector in addition to this,...
[quote name='mons' user_id='3076' id='572139' timestamp='16055643...
By Qvordrup On 16 November 2020 - 21:23 PM UTCnope that is one of the things not working right now o...
By mons On 16 November 2020 - 21:11 PM UTCI'm using the real name fix and this pack and I don...
By Qvordrup On 15 November 2020 - 21:09 PM UTCWhen downloading torrent you need to replace the confi...
By mons On 16 November 2020 - 19:25 PM UTCAll working fine at my end. Perhaps you need to download a...
Probably been mentioned already and yes probably something to do with contracts etc but is there any...