321lele Activity
There is an error with red color - South Korea, Liechtenstein and Switzerland nations, cannot be loaded.
Victor San Marino (ID: 2000113410) → https://www.facebook.com/VictorSanMarinoOfficial/ https://prnt.sc/20xpk1r https://prnt.sc/20xpk9j
Nice Thank You !!
[b]St. Panteleimon (ID:2000066279)[/b] -> http://stpanteleimonfc.co.uk/ [img]https://pr...
St. Panteleimon (ID:2000066279) -> Spartan South Midlands League Division One
Hello guys. I have a problem with nation logos. In game, logos appear to me normally. The problem is on the start screen when i go to activate the leagues, logos appear in gray (Link 1).
However, when I click on the logo, it appears normally with its co...
Hello, i have a problem with flags on the home screen when you choose the leagues. Could you help me;