Vassilis_3 Activity
Hey guys how can we make our own sleeve patches?
New Emblem for Thyella Pyrgou with its new name Pyrgos FC
Oh even betterMaybe put this in normal and the other in alternative
Ok mateI just did it
Final Update is out.
I have done Greek Superleague logos guys in Metallic version if you want to inlclude them in the next update
Greek Superleague 1 (id:129650) new logoShow Spoiler
Hey guys Officialy Greek Super League 1 (id:129650) has now sponsorship namenow It is Stoiximan Super Leaguehere is the article that confirms it
Greek Super League (id:129650) has a new sponsorship name by the gambling company StoiximanHere is the article that confirms it (is in Greek)
Hey guysGreek Cup (id:129649) has now a sponsor name by Novibet this be included?
These are not Standard KitsThese are SS Kits
Update 02/06/2022Better kit textures to some teams
Upadate 02/06/2022Updated some texture to kits
hey guys can anyone make these kits for me??Asteras Vlachioti (Gre) ID : 36047734Levadeiakos (Gre) ID : 979Rodos (Gre) ID : 686530 Kallithea (Gre) ID : 129661Irodotos (Gre) ID : 36047734
hey guys does someone have Greek Super League 2 3D Kits???
Update 9/4/2022Updated (at last) Honduras Kits here you go matethe only kit that i dont have new is Honduras
Update 27/3/22Updated Argentina's , Brazil and Uruguay Kits
Update 26/3/22Finally i found Chile's Nike and i updated them
Football Manager 2022 Latest Update is out guys
Hello guys I am trying to put 5 subs to all International Competitions but when i verify the rules it show me this messageWhat possibly have i done wrong?Does anyone know how to help?
Here is the Mediafire Link :
Update 12/2/2022Almost all kits have been updated
For those that thet want Mediafire link here it is
New UpdateUpdated more kits
New Update has been releasedUpdated Cameroon Cape Verde Ethiopia Mali and Zimbabwe kits also released some alternative kits
Update to the file and Club Colour Kitsadded Olympiacos third kit
@wfm18 you have removed 3rd Kit of Olympiacoscan you fix it?
Mediafire Link has been added
yeah no problem
I have put it on the mirror site but i don't know if it appears
yeah it will take much more time
yeahjroberts made these kits
yes i agree with youi will try to come in contact with the creator
Updated Link and Mediafire Link
sorry guys i tried my best
New Updated Link and Mediafire LinkUpdated Cameroon Kits
updated Cameroon Kits
hahahahahaha its not my fault matesorry