ade04 Activity
Formatul asta cu 5 grupe de 16 echipe era propus de FRF pentru sezonul 2016-17, dar nu a mai fost pus in aplicare, din cauza numarului mare de echipe ce se retrageau din competitie.
Scuze, Ovidiule, sunt Rares de pe fmro. Eu cred ca asta e pack-ul cu cele mai multe logo-uri pentru Football Manager, de asta am scris eu ce ai vazut mai sus. Scuze ca n-am scris in engleza, sa inteleaga si ceilalti
I think that so many people want this and up-to-date, why to pay 10 pounds/year to have it? Sincerely, that FM17 torrent is out to date
The money from tv rights and from the prize money are increasing when the championship reputation increases?
And an FM18 career like this?
And a possible torrent?
??? meant that I have waited an answer
So, after this career, which career are you gonna do next?
So, which career are you gonna do next?
I like this career! Very interesting!
Good job. Are you gonna do soon a save with Chard Town(Western League Div 1)?
I know Chard is your hometown, that is the reason I have done this proposal
And the youth intake?