FM treq Activity

1 year ago
Which is the files in the folder download do I need to use in the editor to give clubs a realistic budget for the first season? Even though I have transfer window on there's not much money kicking about  Cheers Treq (Matt)
1 year ago
does anyone struggle to get budgets for the summer of 2023?
1 year ago
thanks mush  I have tried and not seen where i can add the scores if anyone can link a video or any help for me to update the scores that would be great. thank you
1 year ago
Hey mush how difficult is doing this ? I want to start a season with Everton for the Yt channel and want to get the info up-to-date for the premier league as close to now as I can. I've not really done much in the editor apart from a few of the basics&nbs...