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I'll keep you updated!
ah unlucky mate
cheers !
We got an offer from Freiburg (currently 15th on the league) that we obviously rejected:
Then Messi won both prices and... LANGE WAS NAMED EUROPEAN GOLDEN BOY!
We also got this kid from Fürth who will be joining the club on June, for free:
Last but not least, we completed the friendlys (hope it's spelled correctly) of the mid season with some very positive scores, incluiding a great victory against the great South American team River Plate!
Now we'll get back into bussiness when we go to the Fritz-Walter-Stadion to play against Kaiserlautern who are currently 5th. If we won this game (and other teams lose their games) we could be able to take that 5th position.
However, in the 68th minute Spur-Mortensen steals it when Kaiserlauter were starting their attack; he shoots but a defender blocks it and Malinowski recovers the ball. He crosses it to Spur-Mortensen again but he couldn't controll it and... BOOM! Lange appears right behind him and scores with a magnificent shoot!
Next game was home, against Düsseldorf (currently 13th). It looked pretty simple... well, it wasn't! The clock had only 2 minutes when Spur-Mortensen passes it to Piantoni, he crosses it and the defenders got stock, so Lange takes advantage of that situation and saves it right in the bottom of the net. Their GK didn't even move!
Then unfortunately the scored and it was 1-1. It was until the 85th minute when Lange saved us. He scored again at 90(+2) and we ended up winning 3-1.
So, we're 6th on the table and we Receive Mainz on the last game of January. 14th minute and Halstenberg crosses it from the left wing all the way to Mainz's small area, where Piantoni appears alone right between the central defenders and, without letting the ball touch the ground, scores the first of the game. Mainz started attacking very often, luckly we had a Kevin Müller on a great shape and he stoped averything they threw at him. The game ended up 1-0 and we secured our 5th place on the table.
So January ends with 3 positive results and a Patrick Lange on a great shape. Unfortunately for us, we our calendar looks pretty tough:
Let's rely on Lange's goals to succeed the next games!
I had a bad feeling about the game against Liverpool, however in the 3rd minute Lucas Leiva was injured... Then, right in the 20th minute Diego passes the ball to Anichebe (Lange was suspended) and he gets the mark, leaving N'Dombou alone wich gave him enough time to shoot accurately! 1-0!
Luis Suarez was sent off at 25th and the game couldn't be any better! However, in the second half Liverpool started pushing and pushing and I couldn't manage them. I was really nervous until we finally got ourselves a corner kick. Halsntenberg kicks it and Yesil (Liverpool) couldn't trhow it away... OWN GOAL AT THE 83RD MINUTE! And yet again, after a lot of bounces, Anchebe gets the ball and scores again! 3-0 AGAIST LIVERPOOL!
Very confident after that awesome win, we played against Hannover (18th in the table). All of our team were attacking all the time, that's why we got 4 different players to score!
I was really anxious about the game against Liverpool. Even though they were not going to have Suarez nor Lucas Leiva I knew that they were going to attack with the whole 11 players. So basically I set up the team so we could defend with 11 players
I started shaking at 25th when they scored... But it was offside! So 0-0 half time with us creating 0 chances to score. 86th minute and Sturridge scores... AND THAT WAS IT!
We managed to beat Liverpool and we left them out of Europe for this season!... But the hapiness was gone when I saw that we got At. Madrid for next round hahaha
I signed a Central Defender who had no contract. According to the scouts he's pretty good, so I think we should give him a try.
I didn't know what to expect about game against Stutgart. They were above us but the team was playing very well... Anyway Mathoto (the new guy) gets a ball from a Corner Kick and scores his first goal on Germany. Besides that, nothing really important happened on the game and we won 0-1.
And last but not least, we played against Bayern München. There's nothing much to say with they being on top of the table, almost the Champions... Their defense was superb and we barely have 1 chance on the first half. Thanks to our keeper (he gave a concert in the back) we ended up only 2-0.
However we're 4th after 24 games! We had really good chances to go to Europe next season!
I'm done with my two months, who's next?
Its Charlie M next
I already sent the message to Charlie!
cheers mate !
Charlie M
Your welcome to play on and I'll jump back in on my next turn?
ok mate do you mind if Jack jumps in and you can play after him before me !
Charlie M
Of course not. Sorry about this lads but I really need to make sure I pass this test! LOL.
ha ha ok can u send Jack the save ? And good luck !
I sent Jack the link for the download already!
First game we played very well had some chances we should of capitalized but we showed some promise
I have signed this guy for experience he is on a bit but he can play left mid which could be stronger!
The a brilliant game Patrick Lange with a very good finish won us the game, our defense was solid!
That's just awesome man! So we made it to the quarter finals, right? Who is it?
Comfortable win here, Tom Weilandt back into the team and he was very good having a goal for his self and setting one up !
These are the draws, finally we have a decent draw ! Yeah Awebos it was a great win hopefully we can get even further!
Another win in the league good performance all round!
Then a great win away at Fiorentina 1-0 especially away but could of been 3-0
The lost away at Werder Bremem had too play a weak team out due to playing in the Europe league but we went 1-0 and from then we got dominated ! Roll on the europe league!!
We are through on away goals again poor defending and poor keeping cost us two goals but they didnt look like scoring again !! We are playing Tottenham in the next round !
We were simply brilliant especially when fitness was tough Victor Anichebe had a great game scoring 2 good goals. Defense was solid unfortunately we couldn't hold on to a clean sheet
He has been far our best defender on a average rating of 7.77 in 30 games having scored 8 goals he handed in a transfer request because he wanted a new improved contract so i have decided to give him a new one till 2021 on a 17,75k a week and 20k if he makes an international appearance i thought it was best too give him the contract even though he wants alot but he deserves it because of his form!