
Released Packs / Date /Link
This update contains over 103.660 changes from 1st of February 2013 until 1st of October 2013 that the game itself does not include ! Inside the .rar file you can also find all the texts that contain all the database changes and the instructions file to give some more info !
Also find the instructions down on this post..
Make your suggestions and feel free to tell me your idea and hopefully i can do something about it !
Lets see what each file includes :
Transfers Update :
1. Transfers from all around the world from the very best leagues to the small ones.
2. Contract changes to reflect corrected wages.
3. Managerial changes.
4. Passed away players/staff are removed from database.
5. Corrected squad numbers.
General Changes :
1. Nationality changes.
2. Favorite clubs, Favourite staffs and so.
3. Chairman changes. Newly created chairmans take the place of the one who left.
4. In some cases adjusted personal attributes such as height and weight.
Wonderkids :
1. New young players created ,who will become world class players in the future ( wonderkids ).
2. In some cases adjusted CA/PA abilities of players under 21,and set wonderkids.
Current Ability / Potential Ability Changes :
1. Adjusted stats and current ability attributes.
2. Adjusted potential ability.
Question : Do you mean you are doing CA/PA abilities, which you didnt last year ?
Answer : Yes , this year i decided to include this feature.
Question : How will this feature affect our games? Can we play this update without the CA/PA changes?
Answer : Yes , the CA/PA file will be a new file beside the others. If you dont want this file , simply dont choose it when you start a new game.
[size=20]Question : Where can we also find you, and your work?
Answer : Here ---> FM Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
You all know, that, for my work i dont get any reward. Only thanks. If you want to say thanks in another manner or if you want to donate for my work , or ask anything you want to edit ( such as low leagues transfers, small nations transfers e.g singapore) , or ask for an earlier link than the announced one , i can accept any offers in my paypal account here : [email protected]
When the money are sent inform me !
Thanks !
Download and extract the files to : C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\Editor Data.
If editor data folder is not there, create one with this name only. Other names will not recognize the files inside the game.
Mac Users:
Download and extract the files to : Macintosh HD\users\USERNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\Editor Data.
If editor data folder is not there, create one with this name only. Other names will not recognize the files inside the game.
Then open the game , click Start a new game , and then a box will open. Under the database you have to choose, you will find a small box
beside the Editor Data Files , with a small box and next to it Changes. Make sure the box is ticked and then ok. It will take you to a new
screen where you have to choose the files. Choose only my files if you are not sure about the changes in every file. Many creators files
together can cause crashes to the game , duplicates and other problems.Avoid to use different creators files.
Link from original topic here : http://football-mana...hp?f=522&t=7928
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1. So far this year from the day the Football Manager 2013 went out, until the first official patch (13.3) with the winter transfers, my packs had reached over 47.278 downloads.
2. After the official 13.3 patch and until the 1st day of the summer, the packs had reached 25.964 downloads.
3. In the summer everyone showed their faith in me and in my work, reaching over 211.685 (!!!) downloads taking the total number of downloads in a year to 284.927 Downloads !! (and still counting..)
4. The pack that was downloaded the most, was this from 3/9/2013 (3.6 Update) after the transfer deadline, which reached 56.178 downloads in only 13 days !!!
The announcement i had promised some days ago was , that i am planning to release, along with my Transfers and Data Pack files for Football Manager 2014, a new file which will correct all these club & competitions names , which many of you had requested me to do last year for FM2013. It will be a new seperate file that will give you the decision to choose either to use it or not.
As long as the FM2014 comes out , FM Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0 , will be there to assist you with many add-ons, so you can have an updated and more enjoyable game!
Thanks for the faith so far,
Is it just me or the game just quits soon after pressing OK to create a new game ?
talip solak