18 years ago
4 years ago
Took a few minutes to figure my way round this but very, very impressed - great idea
15 years ago
4 months ago
Pingingo, you're massively overrating what changing a position familiarity attribute from say 16 to 20 can do to a player. And actually more positions can take up more of his CA, making the player worse.

Oh and the I wouldn't really bring the LFCMarshall database into any debate about quality, it's known for it's shoddy quality really. I have no idea how it's so popular.
14 years ago
3 months ago
Pingingo, you're massively overrating what changing a position familiarity attribute from say 16 to 20 can do to a player. And actually more positions can take up more of his CA, making the player worse.

I never quoted from 16 to 20, in fact I just said if you lifted the values to 20, but didn't say from what level. I did suggest a full back though. So let's suppose he has 20 for fullback, 10 for wingback and 5 for winger, but already has decent attributes for attacking fullback. Change his wingback position from 10 to 20 and winger from 5 to, say 15 and he will be better when played in what now are more natural positions. Difference may not be great, but it will be a difference. It will only have a minor effect elsewhere in stats as SI don't give a very high weighting to position as a proportion of CA/PA.

Of more concern will be when attribute changes are allowed and people start giving average strikers 20 for composure, finishing and anticipation and dropping unimportant stats to compensate to stay within CA/PA limits. If CA/PA can also be edited it gets much worse potentially.

Oh and the I wouldn't really bring the LFCMarshall database into any debate about quality, it's known for it's shoddy quality really. I have no idea how it's so popular.

As a rule I don't use other peoples databases and I can't comment on LFCMarshall's, other than to say I once downloaded one of his, but didn't use it. His was the only one that came to mind, perhaps due to it's popularity. If his databases are as shoddy as you suggest, yet probably the most popular, you support my point about the majority not being able to make objective judgments.

If it's only shoddy in your opinion, it's popularity might indicate that it's quite good and supports my suggestion that if the tool that's being discussed in this thread is also any good, it too will prove popular.
15 years ago
4 months ago
I never quoted from 16 to 20, in fact I just said if you lifted the values to 20, but didn't say from what level. I did suggest a full back though. So let's suppose he has 20 for fullback, 10 for wingback and 5 for winger, but already has decent attributes for attacking fullback. Change his wingback position from 10 to 20 and winger from 5 to, say 15 and he will be better when played in what now are more natural positions. Difference may not be great, but it will be a difference. It will only have a minor effect elsewhere in stats as SI don't give a very high weighting to position as a proportion of CA/PA.

You're making it out to be something which people will try to change to give their team an advantage. It's really not that big of an issue. Maybe a proof system might be better, say you have to provide proof that a player can play RM when the database says he can only play RB.

Of more concern will be when attribute changes are allowed and people start giving average strikers 20 for composure, finishing and anticipation and dropping unimportant stats to compensate to stay within CA/PA limits. If CA/PA can also be edited it gets much worse potentially.

Well then, don;t use the updated PA/CA, quite simple. And I don't think it'll be that much of a problem again, as if people do want to overrated their own players they can just use the editor themselves, since it's very, very easy to use.

As a rule I don't use other peoples databases and I can't comment on LFCMarshall's, other than to say I once downloaded one of his, but didn't use it. His was the only one that came to mind, perhaps due to it's popularity. If his databases are as shoddy as you suggest, yet probably the most popular, you support my point about the majority not being able to make objective judgments.

If it's only shoddy in your opinion, it's popularity might indicate that it's quite good and supports my suggestion that if the tool that's being discussed in this thread is also any good, it too will prove popular.

No. It's not very good, simple as that really.
18 years ago
3 years ago
For now, the simplest way of combating bias of altered stats is the following:

1. To average out the submissions values for positions/attributes. Someone submitting 20, and five others submitting lower values, should balance it out.

2. Those that don't want to have positions/attributes altered should make use of the filter.

I don't think CA/PA will be something that will be allowed to be amended via this app. This will help with stats that are not correct for their CA being corrected over time in the game itself.
18 years ago
3 months ago
I'll be willing to help approve changes in the future if my services would be required.
13 years ago
11 years ago
This is great, this way we won't have tons of databases just one with everything

I think this should be sticked!
11 years ago
1 year ago
This is great, this way we won't have tons of databases just one with everything

I think this should be sticked!

18 years ago
3 months ago
Website is down atm, then at times its very slow, especially over the past 5-6 hours.
18 years ago
3 years ago
Been lightning quick for me, I've been on it the last 4 hours submitting and approving stuff.
14 years ago
4 years ago
This is an absolutely brilliant idea! Loving the fact that we can view a change list of everything that's been altered. Very simple to use and by far the best way to keep FM up-to-date, in my opinion. Thanks for all of the work involved!
18 years ago
3 years ago
An update since it's been a while since I posted:

You can use the search function to find teams/people that have had changes applied (top left of site).

The Windows app has been updated to address some connection issues, as well as better notifications and improved polling (checks whether there has been anything new added to the update instead of blindly downloading it regardless).

We've got almost 3,500 changes added (or for those that like bigger numbers, the official editor says it's almost 7,500) with between 100-300 added every day.
12 years ago
1 month ago
some teams play in away kit when there at home like when burnley vs blackburn at turf moor both teams play in there away kits or wednesday vs tranmere are we able to sort this out using this?
18 years ago
3 years ago
The Kraken
13 years ago
10 years ago
whats going on with this site??

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