16 years ago
4 years ago
Got WWE 13 a few days ago cause it was cheap, and playing through the attitude era made me remember some of the great matches back then \o/ Might try to find them online somewhere
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Lack of a "Story" mode in newer WWE games is a bit shit
16 years ago
4 years ago
Yeah career was always good. This attitude era mode is pretty good though
17 years ago
4 months ago
WWE 2K14-30 Years of Wrestlemania mode is great, i finished it yesterday
18 years ago
2 days ago
Attitude era was awesome, 30 years of Wrestlemania missed some great matches but not a bad mode for nostalgia none the less.

I am really enjoying Universe mode though. In my second year and have had some fun with different "story lines" I have created in my head.

I have played out the real life Shield and Rhodes feud for the Tag Titles with the Rhodes currently holding on to it. They feuded for about 3 months before they lost the titles in a new feud to the returning New Age Outlaws and then won them back.

Christian and Jericho was one of my favorite rivalries for the Heavyweight Championship with Christian hanging onto it before losing it to Rey Rey at the Rumble.

Sting made his first appearance in WWE after the rumble and feuded with Taker till Wrestlemania where he lost before they formed a tag team to take on the Shield.

Rey beat Cena for both the Heavyweight and WWE Championships when I changed it to a unified title and cross branded them. Rey is currently feuding with Orton for the Undisputed title and I will eventually have Evolution form again to take on the NWO who will debut at Wrestlemania.

Loving the game despite it's glitches and shortcomings. Can't wait to see what 2K do once they make the game their own.
16 years ago
4 years ago
What is the Universe mode, haven't actually looked at it yet? Are you the manager or?
18 years ago
2 days ago
It's a mix of both GM and career. You can set rosters, create shows, vacate and give titles to superstars, set rivalries and edit match cards. You can also play every matchup as well.

It has the potential to be huge the only thing lacking is substance to it's rivalries, there are quite a few cutscenes that make things interesting however they only occur before, during and after matches. So no promos, or backstage stuff. If 2K can do half of what they have done with their NBA games then I don't doubt this will all be in there sooner or later. There are some bugs as well and also the booking can sometimes make you say what the??

Then again it is still a THQ/Yukes game so we won't see 2K's stamp on until 15 or even 16.

I actually started my first universe by creating a TNA show as well and filling that with all downloadable CAW's but it got messy and was just too much, so I stuck to just RAW and Smackdown and cut the rosters down and then slowly debut new superstars/CAW's. My universe is very interesting atm and has really added to replayablilty. I found some sliders on the net with the difficulty set to legend some matches are a challenge and some are easy. Can also change the match length to short, normal and epic. I have had some real corkers on epic match length but these can last 15-20 minutes sometimes longer.
18 years ago
1 month ago
I remember having a TLC match with 6 wrestlers, the match took me two hours to finish and I didn't even fucking win. Best match ever.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
We had an hour break from college one day, so 3 of us kicked off a Money In The Bank match. 2 and a half hours later, the CPU controlled Mark Henry fucking won it.

Was awesome
18 years ago
2 days ago
Yeah just had a MITB between my CAW, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Jericho, Mysterio and Triple H. Went for a good 40 minutes I nearly had the case down fucking Eddie knocks me off Jericho climbs up and steals it. Prick.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
TLC on tonight at 1am on Sky Sports 4. Might stay up and watch it for the craic
18 years ago
1 month ago
Aye I might watch it too. TLC matches are usually fun.
16 years ago
8 years ago
Pretty awful PPV.

What is the point of having a PPV called TLC if there is only going to be one TLC match?
18 years ago
2 days ago
Welcome to the PG era my friend.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Thought the Punk match was the only real decent match. Main Event was pretty boring, even the table spots were pretty shit. Taking 20 mins climb a ladder then getting hit in the back gets boring after the 5th time
18 years ago
1 month ago
I fell asleep around the Miz-Kofi match.
18 years ago
2 days ago
AJ and Natalya was a very good match. My fav of the show.
18 years ago
4 months ago
AJ and Natalya was a very good match. My fav of the show.

Same. I also enjoyed their match on Main Event a few months ago.
15 years ago
4 months ago
18 years ago
1 month ago
The Shawn Michaels/CM Punk segment on Raw was a complete disaster. It's like Shawn forgot what he was actually out there to say or do, CM Punk tried to save it but was unable to. The whole thing seemed rushed at the last second. I don't know if it was supposed to build up a feud but it just stunk.
16 years ago
8 years ago
16 years ago
2 years ago
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
That's amazing
18 years ago
2 years ago
Cannot wait til we can get WWE Network. Amazing.

Glad to see Scotty 2 Hotty is still in great shape as per his Raw appearance. Looking forward to May now.
18 years ago
2 days ago
Apparently the rest of the world have to wait until the end of the year or 2015 but like you I am keen as. Will def be subscribing.

Apparently Scotty is a fireman now?? Would explain why he looks better then he did when he was wrestling lol.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
He looks bigger certainly, but the years have not been kind to him. Looks bloody old now compared to Grandmaster Sexy
18 years ago
2 years ago
Hope he grows his hair our and grows back the goatee for our show in May haha!

Ringside tickets have sold out so there is only general admission left. I'd love it if we sold out the ballroom two years in a row!

What a year it's been in 2013. What a run up we have to the Ballroom show as well!

ROLL ON 2014!
16 years ago
6 years ago
Is Davey Boy Smith actually his real name?
18 years ago
2 years ago
Yes, yes it was.

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