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I have imported team logos into my game before.. easy, right? Well, I have a team in one of my saves which I inserted into the 8th tier of English football when I started playing.. a brand new team - created it using the editor, edited 1 team out of the league, and inserted myself. I
My team is called Kensington Park FC, so I've tried kensingtonpark.png, kensington.png, and kensingtonparkfc.png, but none of them import when I re-load the skin.. I've ran tests and other teams load up fine.
Somebody on reddit suggested that I rename the png to my team's ID.. but I have no idea what my team's ID might be..
Any ideas?
Zinedine Zaiddin
what FM do you play? If FM 2012 and lower I might can help you. Because in FM 2013 I heard they got issues with config files coding or something..
Where is the XML file that I need to edit? I already know my team's teamID. Thanks!
I took a look around and found the XML files that are right in the same folder as all the graphics. I just didn't see that before.. updated it and my team's logo loaded just fine..
Thanks a lot for your help!