Extract to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Then go into the >>> Preferences / Interface <<< select the skin, Clear Cache,
untick >>> Use Caching To Decrease Page Loading Times <<< if it is ticked,
and then tick >>> Reload Skin When Confirming Changes In Preferences <<<
then click confirm and your changes should be applied.
Enjoy, and cheers.
>>>UPDATE 1.4<<<
Extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection then reload the skin.
12 years ago
4 years ago
i click on fixtures icon on the bar but they dont do nothing anyone have this problem?
Andy Briggs
11 years ago
6 years ago
[quote name='Marconni1985' user_id='279317' id='124103' timestamp='1385600709']
Thank you all.
About the in-game editor button, download this and extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\panels and after that you must reload the skin.

Hi I have done what you suggest regarding downloading the file from the above link I have put this in your suggested docs file and reloaded the skin following your instructions but the in game editor is not showing is there a particular file it need to go into like data graphics etc...?

PS Fantastic skin best I have used
Andy Briggs
11 years ago
6 years ago
[quote name='Marconni1985' user_id='279317' id='124103' timestamp='1385600709']
Thank you all.
About the in-game editor button, download this and extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\panels and after that you must reload the skin.

Hi I have done what you suggest regarding downloading the file from the above link I have put this in your suggested docs file and reloaded the skin following your instructions but the in game editor is not showing is there a particular file it need to go into like data graphics etc...?

PS Fantastic skin best I have used

Hi Just to confirm the link does work I forgot to put into panals
Andy Briggs
11 years ago
6 years ago
[quote name='Marconni1985' user_id='279317' id='124103' timestamp='1385600709']
Thank you all.
About the in-game editor button, download this and extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\panels and after that you must reload the skin.

Hi I have done what you suggest regarding downloading the file from the above link I have put this in your suggested docs file and reloaded the skin following your instructions but the in game editor is not showing is there a particular file it need to go into like data graphics etc...?

PS Fantastic skin best I have used

Hi just to confirm the link does work I forgot to add to panel

Hi Just to confirm the link does work I forgot to put into panals
Andy Briggs
11 years ago
6 years ago
Hi I seem to be having an issue with the team history view do you have any ideas of how to fix ? I have attached a screen shot
13 years ago
8 months ago
Hi I seem to be having an issue with the team history view do you have any ideas of how to fix ? I have attached a screen shot

andy is right also fixtures button doesnt work. a bg pack for this skin and then its the complete article.

this is my fave skin credit for the work youve done. one more update please
15 years ago
5 days ago
Is there a possible way of changing just the start screen?

This skin looks good but I can't stand the idea of having Slur Fergie on the start screen


Doesn't matter, I figured it out. Skin is great, thanks
13 years ago
8 months ago

I am using this skin & lovin it but can you do update 1.5 with following fixed please;

BG Enabled
Stadium pic doesnt fit on "club overview screen (on zoom 95%)
Fixtures Button not working

Is it possible to release an update with these fixes?

Much Love for the work making FM14 even better with amazing skins
11 years ago
6 years ago
Beautiful skin...thanks for the great work. I have however noticed two problems...both in the match screen. The first has to do with the logo of the home team...for some reason it does not appear but instead the skin displays the logo of the league or competition instead. The second has to do with the pop-up which appears in between highlights; the first box in empty and the drop down menu does not work. I've highlighted both issues in the attached screenshot.
12 years ago
1 week ago
One problem i have found is that the fixtures button does not work anymore
Is there a fix for this?
Other than that, great work

13 years ago
8 months ago
c'mon marconni dont ignore me cos im not a premium member, i have been premium until not that long ago. and wen i get a tenner i'll sign back up. c'mon man your work is awesome and your not listenin to me.
14 years ago
9 years ago
How do I get this skin to work on Mac? I've put it in the skins folder, but game doesn't seem to be able to find it.

Edit: Now i've managed to find the skin. However, once I try to load it, it makes the game crash
13 years ago
9 years ago
Love the skin but is it possible to edit the colors on the in game shouts. I have trouble with knowing what I've already chosen and what I'd like to change too. They all look the same
11 years ago
5 years ago
jedno pitanje... kako da nadjem slike za stadione?
12 years ago
6 months ago
Thank you for this skin but how can i delete scoreboard, because I want to be with scoreboard from the game ?
15 years ago
8 years ago
hey guys just wondering does anyone have a link of stadium backgr ounds that will work with this great skin. cheers
15 years ago
4 months ago
Kako se ubacuju pozadine stadiona.
Slike imam, ali mi se ne pojavljuju u igri...
Vec sam koristio takav skin, ali gdje god da sad stavim slike se ne vide...

did anyone install this skin and made stadium backgrounds work?
Death Ball
13 years ago
4 years ago
Great skin, it looks very nice.

I wanted to say just that, but I do have one small issue:

This was the first skin I tried, I liked it a lot. But then thought I'd see others (Bergkamp14, Scorpio, Steklo) for comparison. I saw this is the best, so came back to it.

Then I found that the between highlights pop up screen is empty in the right part of it, and the arrow symbol to choose what info to see is greyed out.

I then went through loading the other skins and set their in between highlights to show all match stats, and then back to this. Then both halves of the screen showed match stats and I could set them to what I wanted.

But then I closed the PC. Now when I load it again, the right part of the window is again empty and not allowing to set the view.

Is there any easy way to set it back to right and to ensure it won't go back to empty that doesn't involve changing skins during the first match of each session you could please tell?

Thank you.

Edit: I may have solved it by copying the Match In between highlight (something?).xml from another skin
13 years ago
2 months ago
Unfortunately I don't have time for fm and skins because of my private life, and I don't have time to answer everything and I don't ignore anybody. I'll make v1.5 and that will be answer on all your requests.

P.s. thank you all.
Michael Buckland
11 years ago
5 months ago

Love your skin Marconni, just wondered if it's possible to have different trophy graphics appear for the different leauges/countries? I was thinking of downloading some more trophy graphics but was worried about compatibility issues
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
Marconni1985 great skin mate well done, but was wondering if you wouldnt mind helping me make the font all the same like the one in the top bar where the manager name team name and league is please
thanks in advance
Tobias Pinnhammer
11 years ago
2 months ago
I tried to install it. But when I do, the main menu will be completely white with just a bad-to-read red font. Same ingame, you can't see anything. And yes, I did just like said above. Patch 1.4 is also installed and there is no other skin in the skins folder, so what could this be?

Here I have two screenshots for you:
11 years ago
1 year ago
Very nice, many thanks.
Tobias Pinnhammer
11 years ago
2 months ago
I tried to install it. But when I do, the main menu will be completely white with just a bad-to-read red font. Same ingame, you can't see anything. And yes, I did just like said above. Patch 1.4 is also installed and there is no other skin in the skins folder, so what could this be?

Can nobody help me? I really want to use this skin
Black Jesus
11 years ago
10 months ago
Can you PLEASE fix the League History bug on the club overview panel? Or could someone just upload their club overview panel so I could download it? Mine is messed up somehow, and it is really bugging me.

I've tried fixing it myself for ages, but I cannot get it to work.
11 years ago
10 years ago
when i go to preferences the skin doesn't come up any ideas as to why? i did the clear cache etc.
13 years ago
2 months ago
Alavanja 14 Pervection version 1.5 is available in the Workshop.

A dark skin for FM14 with instant result button and background selector, I fixed all reported issues and I tested it with 14.2.2 patch for almost a month, so now the skin should be without irregularities.
18 years ago
1 month ago
The only problem for me in 1.5 is I cannot use custom Stadium background like I did in 1.4, did I miss something?
18 years ago
6 months ago
Thanks! I'll check it out asap.
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hey how do you install this skin on football manager v 3
Iv tried so many times but it doesnt work

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