Wayne Wilson
10 years ago
1 month ago
Hi where do I extract the file in FM 2014 I went to documents sports interactive there is no graphics folder but there is a workshop folder that as a graphics folder in it do I extract it to this folder or do I create a graphics folder in the sports interactive folder .

Wayne Wilson
10 years ago
1 month ago
I have in the workshop graphics folder a folder called faces and another one called person in the faces folder there are Italian Spanish and French players
In the person folder there are managers and referees they are files I added from the steam workshop . they are all working but I don't have any prem player faces . Can I extract the file to the faces folder ? .
18 years ago
12 minutes ago
Use the cut-out faces megapack technical support thread if you're referring to that megapack. Have a look at the opening post to see if your request has been dealt with.

And please make sure that you're being clear when typing as I'm not entirely sure what it is you're talking about
Wayne Wilson
10 years ago
1 month ago
I have sorted this now I extracted the mega pack to the person folder all is working well
Thanks for all your help .

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