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I'm not after anything expensive and have a preference for earbuds, for general day to day use. I already own a pair of $90 noise isolation in-ears, but they aren't really suitable when walking around the city or at work, since obviously I literally can't hear a thing once they're in.
At this stage I'm heading towards trying to find another pair of genuine iPod earbuds, if anyone else has other recommendations, shoot.
King Luis
They're in-ear noise isolation ones, already have a good pair of those. As mentioned in OP, not overly practical for what I'm after.
Much the same as above reply.
Completely forgot about my Galaxy ones actually, might even just use them yet. Cheers.
Any other suggestions welcome. Again, just after something fairly cheap but decent and that will still allow me to hear the outside world.
King Luis
I'll second that, great make.
I've also got a pretty good memory, once something actually gets in there, it stays.
Considering I've had these Apple earbuds for maybe 3 years now or more, with very regular use, they've lasted well. A lot of it comes simply down to how you look after your stuff.
I want cheap earbuds, not in-ears. I was merely curious as to what other decent ones were around.
As mentioned, I've already got a decent pair of in-ears, but they're noise isolation ones and aren't really suitable for general day to day use.
Not really hard to comprehend, surely?
If I'm listening to music I don't want to hear anything else.
These last absolute years. I've had two pairs of them and recommend them. Cheap too.
Well it's good to be able to hear what's going on around you in the city while walking to work etc. Plus, when at work, I can still hear what's going on etc.
Just comes down to personal preference really. I don't have anything against in-ears, I own a pair that I've been using in the mean time but for what I want, they aren't the most ideal type. I find being able to hear things around you as well a great benefit at times, has also spared me from undesirable situations too. I spose it just gives that extra bit of awareness of your surroundings.