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Aye, same here.
Might go on now and watch the third season of Game of Thrones, still haven't got round to seeing it.
I have been using it for Veronica Mars :L Rewatching it before I watch the film
All money will go to Sport relief, you can donate by texting TCKE58 along with your donation amount (i.e £5) to 70070
Come on people!
Slashman X
No shit
I honestly cannot understand what people must be doing to be getting viruses on their computers.
Download dodgy shit
Such a great feeling!! \o/
Eric Portapotty
Also, Automatic Transmission is a godsend.
Lazy cunt, get a manual.
Eric Portapotty
I'm learning manual and just drove auto for the 1st time yesterday.
It's amazing how much more aware I am when I don't have to remember about which gear I'm in and not having to fear releasing the clutch too fast and stalling in the middle of the road.
Mucho gracias
That's a shame, weird seeing the place so dead compared to how it was a couple of years ago.
I finish uni forever in a few weeks so I might actually have the time to see if I'm still absolutely terrible at FM.
Manual is all about practice and experience though, drive one every day for a year and you won't need to think about the clutch and all that while driving, you'll do it subconsciously.
That said, getting stuck in traffic with a manual is awful, which is why I'd never choose it for a daily driver.
Reports that an aircraft had crashed into the sea off Spain's island of Gran Canaria are a "false alarm", Spanish officials say.
Spanish media reported that a crash had occurred two miles off the island and that rescue services were heading to the scene.
But Spain's airports association AENA said that a boat had been mistaken for a plane.
Local media blamed the confusion on a tug towing another vessel.
Eric Portapotty
Turns out there's been a cock-up at their HR, and I was supposed to start work only in mid-April.
Which would've been better if I hadn't found out about it by going to the store.
Wasn't all bad though, 1st day of training, was fulfilling.
Being stuck in traffic in a manual is no different to every other aspect of driving one, I barely notice what I'm doing in traffic jams these days, it's all second nature.
If you're a poor or unconfident driver I can understand why an automatic would seem a better option but the more you drive a manual the easier it gets, tbh if you're going to do something, do it properly.
If you've just been using an automatic I can understand why you'd hate traffic jams in a manual - automatic's are so easy to drive, you can be doing just about anything and still get around!
Edit: Happy Slashman? Happy, happy happy?
Eric Portapotty
I'm working in an outlet in an institution, so at least it's not retail hours.
What he said ^
My mum's got an auto on disability and I get to drive that and it is nice to drive and the gear changes are smoother than any I can do (mock rally gear changes
Slashman X
Eric Portapotty
It's not like you've pointed both out, so it's moot.