Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

Not improvement mate,since current MP is very good
Not the best quality but I'll rather have this one,than the one with cervical collar.
Player Name: Matias Quintana
Player ID: 14001462
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 14001462
And one request from me:
Player Name: Stole Dimitrievski
Player ID: 47022611
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 47022611
Done by NiceLad
Player ID: 43004262
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43004262
This one has also been saved as a jpg...
changed the image also, sorry mate!
mons I think there's here a confusion with the words update and improvement. Often I see people post improvements just because the sources are newer, even though the quality of the image is worse and they are included in the megapack. The images im posting here have by far better quality and are more recent then the actual cuts, so what do we loose by having more recent pictures that are mega improvements in terms of quality just because they arent from this season? "More than good enough" is really relative, If theres a great cut obvioulsy I wouldnt search for an improvement but thats no even the case.
Ultimately, Im just trying to improve the great pack we wave, if the general opinion is that the source aint an improvement then no one is forcing the cutters to do them. We've seen on the past how peoples opinion can differ about this.
I really respect you and dont want to question your authority, I dont even regret you didnt sent me a pm about this first. I wont posts any more improvements dont worry
Player ID: 125120
Player ID: 2013112
If you have an issue with any individual cut(s) which you think are included in the megapack by mistake, you are more than welcome to point them out either in the home thread or via PM. I will have another look at it, if need be, and if I have made a mistake, I'll change it back in the next update. Happened before and will happen again. Remember, just because an image is requested and cut doesn't mean it automatically gets included in the next update pack, as I may decide that it shouldn't be added to the megapack for whatever reason. If the quality is comparable, I do generally prefer to use the more recent version, however. I agree with you, however, that an image does not need to be added to the MP just because it's from this season, especialyl if there's a decent enough cut-out in the MP already.
Going by the source images you posted of Jorge Andrade and Bruno Matias just recently, for example, it looks to me like the Portugal kit is of the Euro 2004-World Cup 2006 era, or thereabouts, which is now 8-10 years ago. That, to me, does not equate them being more recent than the actual cuts. If the current megapack cut-out is in your opinion not good enough, then I would much prefer a poorer albeit more recent source rather than one which is quite old albeit of a good quality. As a rule of thumb, when everything is equal, recentness > quality. This is Andrade's current megapack cut-out, and I don't see much wrong with it, to be honest, it's more than good enough. Certainly, it's not bad enough, in my opinion, to be written over by an older image. Cutters won't necessarily know how old an image is and they'll generally just gauge the image quality.
To use a more extreme example, this image is probably around 20 years old, if not more. I know he's missing from the megapack, and so that cut will be included in the next update, but I'm sure a more recent cuttable source could be found.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate immensely your contribution to the megapack as both a requester and a cutter, but I think some more care in the choice of source images would be advisable in these cases, especially as you seem to have found a treasure trove of HQ Portuguese national team images of an older vintage
The reason I prefer to have these kind of conversations here in the forum rather than via PM is that it may encourage other cutters and requesters to have their say. Just because I say or do something doesn't mean I'm right, and I'm not pig-headed enough to ignore it when other people disagree with me, and I have no problem in changing my viewpoint or approach if enough people disagree with it, as has been the case in the past
In short, I hope you take this in the constructive spirit in which it is intended, and I hope to see more cuts and requests from you in the near future
Mate you're doing amazing job here,and thank you very much for that work,but last 6 cuts are not improvements.They are alternatives,so you can post them in alternative thread
ok bajaHater merci
Player ID: 51008522
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 51008522
Player ID: 962383
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 962383
done by rekooner
thanks :-)
Player ID: 67014271
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 67014271
Maybe better source
Done by NiceLad
Player ID: 34009070
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 34009070
Mons edit - Image has been cut from different source
Maybe better source
Done by Rekooner
Player ID: 28014019
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 28014019
Cut by Jubez many Thanks