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It kills the game for me.
Sheriff Skacel
- Lack of depth in that position at his club
- The club don't need the money
- The player has ages left on his contract
- The manager dislikes you
And when selling players its the same thing, it can be frustrating but there's always a good reason as to why you can't sell a player or sell a player for what you think he's worth. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and accept a lesser offer.
For example, I had a 29 year old CB who was amazing, easily world class. He was worth 16m and had one year left on his deal, I offered him out at 40m but clubs only came back with 18m bids. With this I knew I was valuing him far too high but I still thought I could get more, so I rejected all the bids and offered him out at 30m. Man Utd came in with a 23m bid and I knew that was as good as it would get because of his age and contract situation so I accepted it.
On Burton Albion save, Adam McGurk is valued at £1.4m but I will only sell if a club is prepared to pay over £2m for him has it is going to cost me the same amout or more to get a decent young replacement.
Tyrion Lannister