Ninja777 Activity
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this twelfth chapter, Mark and his team tries their luck in the OFC Champions League Qualifiers meanwhile doing great in the league. Will Mark be able to put his n...
Lidt sent. Man kan som oftest spille med alle holdenes “bedste” hold - Så hvis der er 3 af det samme hold, kan man kun bruge det bedste af deres hold. Udover dette burde man kunne spille med alle hold.
I can't tell you why. I don't think I've been so far into the game. I think i stopped in 2028 or something like that. You're more than welcome to look into it in the editor.
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this eleventh chapter, Mark enters his third year on the Marshall Islands. Will this third year be the one where he lifts the trophy he needs? &...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this tenth chapter, Mark bolsters the team by getting new players, and try to make the rund for the trophy. Will he make it? ...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this ninth chapter, the team starts off very well and sees themselves clinging on to a top-four spot that would secure them a playoff semifinal and perhaps finally...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this eight chapter, Mark and the team recharges their batteries before a new season starts. &nb...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this seventh chapter, Mark has pursued the next chapter of his career going 2.900 km away from American Samoa.  ...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this sixth chapter, we find what Mark has on his mind, when gathering the...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this fifth chapter, we follow the team's journey on the international scene. Their first ever games in this area. But will Lion Heart rise to the challenge? With n...
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this fourth chapter, we follow the intense journey of Lion Heart FC as they aim to rise to new heights under the leadership of coach Mark Thompson. After a s...
The first series of the channel of Obscure Odysseys. In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this third chapter, Mark Thompson enters his first full season with Lion Heart FC, his determination to lead t...
Link to youtube video first series of the channel of Obscure Odysseys. In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this second chapter, we join Mark Thompson on his remarkable...
Thanks! I rarely ever play with the big teams either. Had this on my mind for a while, just could figure out if it was going to be text-only or video-only save 🙂
Link to youtube video first series of the channel of Obscure Odysseys. In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this first chapter, we dive deep into the pers...
The first series of the channel of Obscure Odysseys.
In this serie we will be focussing on the region of Oceania and the gems of the Pacific. In this first chapter, we dive deep into the person who is going to travel, we dive into his travels and into the heart of Oceania, where football is more than just a game—it's a passion that unites islands and cultures. From the shores of remote nations to stadiums where dreams are born, we’ll explore the unique challenges and triumphs of managing a team in this vast and uncharted territory.
Stay tuned for another chapter!
May 2026 DanishEnglishFørste kamp i maj var den anden semifinale i pokalturneringen mod FC Midtjylland. Denne kamp, blev i modsætning til den første kamp, en målfattig affære, men det var OB der vandt kampen hjemme i Odense med 1-0. OB var videre til...
March & April 2026 DanishEnglishOB skulle en tur til Randers. Her blev det en målrig affære der sluttede hele 5-3 i OBs favør.OB had a trip to Randers. Here it was a goal-rich affair that ended 5-3 in OB's favor.| xG 2.55 vs 3.42 | Result: 3-5 |...
January & February 2026 DanishEnglishDen første gældende kamp, efter vinterferien og efter 4 træningskampe, som alle blev vundet, var mod det østrigske hold Linzer ASK i Europe Leagues Ligafase. Efter 30 minutter havde Lasso Coulibaly scoret...
Wintertransfers 2025/26 DanishEnglishI vinterens transfervindue blev indkøbt 5 nye spillere, alle med tanker på fremtiden. 3 fra Spanien og 2 fra Danmark.Mihajlo valgte at søge nye græsgange, da han var blevet utilfreds med spilletiden, blev han derf...
What happens if you try to remove the “African” part of the string in the config file? I don't know if it makes any change, but it does seem like it looks for a file in the “African” folder.
November & December 2025 DanishEnglishFørste kamp i november var imod Vejle, på Vejle stadion. Coulibaly og Charly Nouck scorede OB's mål, og de vandt 1-2.The first match in November was against Vejle, at Vejle Stadium. Coulibaly and Charly Nouck...
Basically you only need to replace to the r- for the newgan faces, all the other face (real-life-players) doesn't have the r-. If I were you I would have two folders containing face for real-life and one for newgans. Each with their own config file.
New version validated for the 24.3.0 version now available.
September & October 2025 DanishEnglishViborg var første kamp i oktober. Det var Viborg der var på hjemmebane, men det var OB der vandt 4-2.Viborg was the first match in October. It was Viborg who was playing at home, but it was OB who won 4-2.| x...
I don't think the newest version works on older games, because they (SI) have changed the newgans ID to include an R. But if you wanted the program to work, you'd have to find an older version of the NewGan (I think 1.3.1 or something like that)
July & August 2025 DanishEnglishDen første gældende kamp i denne sæson, var som nævnt mod Raków fra Polen om videre avancement i Europa League. I den første kamp på udebane, vandt OB 2-1 og målscorerne var Alberto og Pedro Soma.The first valid ma...
Hi @kleed Thank you for your comment.As stated the rules are not 100% correct “Bear in mind that this database is not 100% correct compared to the real-life rules” - I've made the cup-rules different, and to my liking, because I wanted the lower-leve...
Transfers & pre-season 2025/26 TransfersDanishEnglishEfter sæsonen fik spillerene ferie, mens manageren i løbet af sæsonen havde haft travlt med at lede efter gode billige handler. Jofré Freixanet og Osvaldo López var de to første der kom til Ode...
May & June 2025 DanishEnglishFCM ventede i første kamp i maj, da de kom på besøg i Odense. Det blev FCM der trak det længste strå og kunne hive sejren i land med 1-2.FCM was waiting in the first match in May when they visited Odense. It was FCM w...
March & April 2025 DanishEnglishFørste kamp i marts var mod FCK i Parken. OB så ud til at vinde, og brændte endda et straffe i løbet af kampen, men desværre for gæsterne scorede FCK i kampens sidste minut til stillingen 1-1.The first match in Mar...
For problem-solving you might get more clues looking at the newgan log file.
February 2025 DanishEnglishFørste gældende kamp i 2025 var den 16. februar ude mod Silkeborg. Det blev til en 1-2 sejr, hvor OB nok gerne have set sig selv score et par gange mere. The first applicable match in 2025 was on February 16 against Si...
Transfers january 2025 Danish EnglishDer blev hentet et par stykker ind, mens der blev sagt farvel til i hvert fald en profil. Alasana Mannehs kontrakt udløb til sommer, og han ville ikke forlænge. Derfor blev der handlet hurtigt, og OB scorede...
Cleared Cache and reloaded skin? Made sure you have pictures in the facepack named, like SpanMed/POR454?
what problem?
Did you check the newgan log?
I've digged a little deeper since last time. I think it has something to do with the code, and what is written in the RTF file.For example I am doing a save with a custom databse from American Samoa. All the American Samao players will be seen as African,...
November & December 2024 DanishEnglishI november var den første kamp ude mod AaB. OB's Franco Tongya scorede 2 mål, og OB scorede 2 yderligere og vandt hele 1-4.In November, the first match was away against AaB. OB's Franco Tongya scored 2 goals,...
September & October 2024 DanishEnglishDen første af 5 kampe i september var mod Silkeborg. En kedelig kamp der endte 0-0.The first of 5 matches in September was against Silkeborg. A boring match that ended 0-0.| xG 1.33 vs 0.55 | Result: 0-0 | Po...
Made a small video for you who want to add a custom region to your newgan manager
July & August 2024 DanishEnglishDen første gældende kamp i denne sæson, var mod KRC Genk fra Belgien i første kvalifikationsrunde til Europa League. Første kamp var I Odense, hvor 13.699 tilskuere overværede en målrig affære mellem de to hold. Al...
Transfers & pre-season 2024/25 TransfersDanishEnglishEfter det man godt kunne tillade sig at kalde en meget god sæson, hvor man vandt pokalturneringen og sluttede på en samlet tredjeplads, var det nu blevet sommerferie og tid til transfers og pre...
Please provide some screenshots of your setup (folders, config-file Etc.)
May & june 2024 DanishEnglishFC Midtjylland kom på besøg i første kamp i maj. De blev sendt hjem med et 3-2 nederlag, med et flot hattrick af Deedson. FC Midtjylland came to visit in the first match in May. They were sent home with a 3-2 def...
Look through this forumposts and do some troubleshooting on your own.
guys, look through this forum here. Maybe that will help you: