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All the answers come back saying to use team talks etc to boost the mood of your players and relax them before games. Well how do you do this in the Classic version? There is no pre or post match team talks, you can only have a team meeting when your assistant suggests (which dont seem to affect the players anyway)
I really want to keep playing FM14 in classic mode as i think the full version is too full on and takes too long, but I dont want to keep playing when there is no way of turning these abysmal runs around.
Please HELP!!!
Sheriff Skacel
If I were you I would try and be consistent in your tactics, don't make radical changes from game to game, just slight changes until you find a winning formula / a formula you are happy with.
I actually never/hardly ever change my tactic. In my Forest game for example, I was 2nd after about 10-15 games so obviously I didnt change a thing as I wanted to keep that run going. As soon as the bad run hit I tried tweaking it a bit, nothing, then a lot, still nothing, went down to something like 11th and got sacked. I just couldnt do anything, it felt completely out of my control. Similar situation with my Palace save.